The technical standards outlined below are the physical, cognitive and behavioral abilities required for students to successfully complete the Speech-Language Pathology Program.
These requirements must be met by all students, with or without reasonable accommodations, entering the program.
Students have the responsibility to self-identify as a person with a disability with a need for accommodation(s). Students who have or believe they may have a disability requiring accommodation(s) should contact the UAMS Americans with Disabilities Act / Title IX coordinator at DisabilityServices@uams.edu or 501-526-5641.
Communication Skills
Speech-language pathologists must communicate in a way that is understood by their patients and others. It is recognized that linguistic, paralinguistic, stylistic and pragmatic variations are part of every culture, and accent, dialects, idiolects and communication styles can differ from general American English expectations. Communication may occur in different modalities depending on the joint needs of involved parties and may be supported through various accommodations as deemed reasonable and appropriate to patient needs.
A student must possess adequate communication skills to do the following:
- Employ oral, written, auditory and non-verbal communication at a level sufficient to meet academic and clinical competencies.
- Write discipline-specific papers and clinical reports in English. These must be professional and grammatically correct.
- Adapt communication style to effectively interact with colleagues, clients, patients, caregivers and invested parties of diverse backgrounds in various modes such as in person, over the phone and in electronic format.
- Listen responsively and empathetically to establish rapport in a way that promotes openness on issues of concern and sensitivity to potential cultural differences.
- Express their ideas and feelings clearly and demonstrate a willingness and ability to give and receive feedback.
- Observe clients accurately and interpret non-verbal communication when performing clinical assessments and treatment activities.
Motor Skills and Physical Health
Clinical practice by speech-language pathologists involves a variety of tasks that require manipulation of items and environments. A student must possess adequate motor skills and physical health to do the following:
- Engage in physical activities at a level required to accurately implement classroom and clinical responsibilities (e.g., manipulating testing and therapeutic equipment and technology, patient equipment and practice management technology) while retaining the integrity of the process.
- Respond in a manner that ensures the safety of clients and others.
Intellectual and Cognitive Skills
Speech-language pathologists must engage in critical thinking, reasoning and comprehension and retention of information required in clinical practice. A student must possess adequate intellectual and cognitive skills to do the following:
- Retain, analyze, synthesize, evaluate and apply auditory, written and oral information at a level sufficient to meet curricular and clinical competencies.
- Demonstrate the mental capacity to learn and assimilate professional information including the ability to read and comprehend professional publications and reports.
- Maintain attention and concentration for sufficient time to complete clinical activities.
- Manage time and prioritize activities.
- Employ informed critical thinking and ethical reasoning to formulate a differential diagnosis and create, implement and adjust evaluation and treatment plans as appropriate for the patient’s needs.
- Engage in ongoing self-reflection and evaluation of one’s existing knowledge and skills.
- Critically examine and apply evidence-based judgment in keeping with best practices for patient care.
Sensory Abilities
Speech-language pathologists use auditory, visual, tactile and olfactory information to guide clinical practice. It is recognized that such information may be accessed through a variety of means, including direct sensory perception and/or adaptive strategies. A student must be able to adequately access sensory information to do the following:
- Differentiate functional and disordered auditory, oral, written and visual communication.
- Correctly differentiate anatomical structures and diagnostic imaging findings.
- Correctly differentiate and discriminate text, numbers, tables and graphs associated with diagnostic instruments and tests.
Interpersonal Skills
Speech-language pathologists must interact with a diverse community of individuals in a manner that is safe, ethical and supportive. It is recognized that personal interaction styles may vary by individuals and cultures and that good clinical practice honors such diversity while meeting this obligation. A student must possess adequate behavioral, ethical, emotional and social attributes to do the following:
- Display compassion, respect and concern for others during all academic and clinical interactions.
- Adhere to all aspects of relevant professional codes of ethics, privacy and information management policies.
- Exhibit professional appearance and demeanor by adhering to appropriate standards of dress, appearance, language and public behavior, including social media.
- Uphold the Code of Ethics of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and/or the American Academy of Audiology, the Health Information Privacy and Accountability Act as well as the departmental Honor Code.
- Take personal responsibility for maintaining physical and mental health at a level that ensures safe, respectful and successful participation in didactic and clinical activities.
Cultural Responsiveness
- Engage in ongoing learning about cultures and belief systems different from one’s own and the impacts of these on health care and educational disparities to foster effective provision of services.
- Demonstrate the application of culturally responsive evidence-based decisions to guide clinical practice.
Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Technical Standards and Core Functions Policy
The Speech-Language Pathology Program of the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Department of Audiology and Speech Pathology adheres to the standards set by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Within ASHA standards, the program has the freedom and ultimate responsibility for the following:
- The selection of students
- The design, implementation and evaluation of the curriculum
- The evaluation of student progress
- The determination of who should be awarded a degree
The Department of Audiology and Speech Pathology faculty have a responsibility for the welfare of clients tested, treated or otherwise affected by students enrolled in the program. The department has the responsibility to the public to assure that its graduates can become fully competent audiologists, capable of delivering quality care in a timely manner and preserving the well-being of the clients they serve. Thus, it is important that persons admitted, retained and graduated possess the intelligence; integrity; compassion; humanitarian concern; and the physical and emotional capacity necessary to practice speech-language pathology.
The Department of Audiology and Speech Pathology, as part of the UAMS College of Health Professions, is committed to the principle of equal opportunity. The university, college and department do not discriminate on the basis of race; color; religion or creed; sex; gender; gender identity or expression; pregnancy; national or ethnic origin; non-disqualifying disability; age; ancestry; marital status; sexual orientation; veteran status; or political beliefs or affiliations. When requested, the university, college and department will provide reasonable accommodations to otherwise qualified students with properly certified disabilities. The faculty has responsibility for the welfare of students in the department. In order to fulfill this responsibility, the department has established academic standards and minimum performance standards (technical standards and core functions) that must be met, with or without reasonable accommodations, in order to participate in the program and graduate.
Within the field of speech-language pathology, there are core functions that individuals in these programs are expected to employ in didactic and clinical experiences to acquire the knowledge and demonstrate the competencies that will lead to graduation and successful entry into professional practice. Core functions refers to behavioral or cognitive functions that an individual must be able to perform with or without accommodations to ensure equitable access. These attributes are defined across six areas: Communication Skills, Motor Skills and Physical Health, Intellectual and Cognitive Skills, Sensory Abilities, Interpersonal Skills and Cultural Responsiveness.
Admission decisions are made on the assumption that each candidate can meet the core functions and fulfill core functions without consideration of disability. Candidates for the Master of Science in Communication Sciences and Disorders who have been accepted for admission will be required to verify that they understand and meet these technical standards with or without reasonable accommodation(s) as approved by the UAMS Americans with Disabilities Act / Title IX coordinator. The documents to be signed can be found in Appendix E of the program handbook.
Admission decisions are made on the assumption that each candidate can meet the core functions and fulfill core functions without consideration of disability. Candidates for the degree who have been accepted for admission will be required to verify that they understand and meet these technical standards with or without reasonable accommodation(s) as approved by the UAMS ADA / Title IX coordinator.
Students have the responsibility to self-identify as a person with a disability with a need for accommodation(s). The UAMS ADA / Title IX coordinator will review a student’s request for accommodation and confirm that the stated condition qualifies as a disability under applicable laws.
If an applicant states they can meet the technical standards with accommodation, the department, working with the UAMS ADA / Title IX coordinator and the associate dean for academic affairs, will determine the most appropriate accommodation(s) so that the student can meet the technical standards. This determination includes a review of whether the accommodation would jeopardize client safety or the educational process of the student or the institution, including all coursework and internships/practicum placements deemed essential to graduation. At any time in the course of a student’s enrollment in the department, should their needs change, the student can request accommodation through the UAMS ADA / Title IX coordinator. The student will also update the Technical Standards document on file with the department.
Reference: Adapted from Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences and Disorders (2023). A guide for future practitioners in audiology and speech-language pathology: Core functions. https://www.capcsd.org/academic-and-clinical-resources/ Rev. April 25, 2023