This page details various past accomplishments achieved by our faculty, including publications, awards, grants and more, for a six-month period.
The names of College of Health Professions faculty members and students are shown in bold. Faculty members are indicated with an asterisk (*), while students are indicated with a dagger (†).
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Callaway John L.*, Using social cognitive theory to teach radiographic positioning. Radiologic Technology Journal, January/February 2020, 91(3).
- Muir Sherry*, Occupational Therapy in Primary Health Care: We Should Be There, The American Journal of Occupational Therapy. Volume 66, pages 506 – 510. April 2020.
- Alanazi Ahmad†, Atcherson Samuel*, Franklin Clifford, Bryan Melinda, Frequency responses of conventional and amplified stethoscopes for measuring heart sounds: an exploratory study, Saudi Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences. (2020). Volume 8, pages 112-117.;year=2020;volume=8;issue=2;spage=112;epage=117;aulast=Alanazi;type=0
- Zeng H, Larson K, Cheng W, Bukowski M, Safratowich B, Liu Z, Hakkak Reza*, Advanced liver steatosis accompanies an increase in hepatic inflammation, colonic secondary bile acids and Lactobacillaceae/Lachnospiraceae bacteria in C57BL/6 mice fed a high-fat diet. J Nutr Biochem. 2020 Jan 8;78:108336. doi: 10.1016/j.jnutbio.2019.108336. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 32004929.
- DeClerk Leonie, LaBorde Pamela, Smith-Olinde Laura*, Debate as a Learning Tool in an On-Line Environment, Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners. (2020) (2327-6886), 32 (6), page 461.
- Chou A.F., Duncan A, Hallford Gene, Kelly D, Williamson Dean Lori*, A Scoping Review of Barriers and Strategies to Integrate Primary Care and Medical Genetics in Underserved Populations, Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. 12 June 2020. JABFM-20-0288.
- Kushalnagar Poorna, Paludneviciene Raylene, Kallen Michael, Atcherson Samuel*, Cella David, PROMIS-Deaf Profile Measure: Cultural Adaptation and Psychometric Validation in American Sign Language, Journal of Patient Reported Outcomes. 4(44), pages 1 – 10. 2020.
- McElfish P, Long, C, Scott A, Hudson J, Haggard-Duff L, Holland Angel*, Schulz T, Wilmoth R, Selig J, Pilot Implementation of Adapted-Family Diabetes Self-Management Education into a Clinical Setting. Journal of Primary Care and Community Health. May 2020. (11), pages 1-7.
- Purvis R, Long C, Eisenberg L, Hester M, Cunningham T, Holland Angel*, Chatrathi H, McElfish P, First Do No Harm: Ethical Concerns of Health Researchers That Discourage the Sharing of Results With Research Participants. AJOB Empirical Bioethics. March 2020, (11), pages 104 – 113.
- Blocker Karli†, Hallford, H.G., McElfish, Pearl, Danylchuk Noelle*, Williamson Dean Lori*, (April 2020). Eliciting culturally and medically informative family health histories from Marshallese patients living in the United States. Journal of Genetic Counseling, doi:10.1002/jgc4.1249.
- Johnson B. V., Kumar R, Oishi S, Alexander S, Kasherman M, Danylchuk Noelle*, et al. Partial loss of USP9X function leads to a male neurodevelopmental and behavioral disorder converging on TGFβ signaling. Biological Psychiatry. January 2020. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2019.05.028.
Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications
- McMillian Ashley*, UAMS General Practice Residency Program: Residency Program Update. Arkansas Dentistry Journal, 92 (1), 38. 2020
Peer-Reviewed Oral Presentations
- Warren Katy*, Dental Care for an Aging Mouth: Elder Abuse, Smoking & Autism, Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting. 2/2/2020.
- Warren Katy*, Dental Care for an Aging Mouth: Common Health Concerns for Seniors, Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting. 2/2/2020.
- Holland Angel*, Developing Clinical Preceptors: Lessons Learned from Generation Y about Leadership, AACM – Regional Medical Campuses Conference. 3/24/2020.
- Taylor D.W., Vincenzo Jennifer*, Lee R, Morris D.M., Green Guerero H, The Role of Physical Therapist in Addressing CDC Public Health Priorities for Aging, Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Denver, CO. 2/14/2020.
- Shubert T, Sidelinker J, Hergott C, Hazon P, Brach J, Schrodt L, Vincenzo Jennifer*, Tripken J, Clinical Community Connections: Effective Strategies for Improved Patient Outcomes, Combined Sections of the American Physical Therapy Association, Denver, CO, 2/13/2020.
- Croarkin E, Vincenzo Jennifer*, Schwerfeger J, Cross-Collaboration to Reduce Preventable Falls: An Onc/Geri/Neuro Balance & Falls SIG Tri-Alliance Symposium, Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, Denver, CO. 2/15/2020.
- Cahanin R, Jefferson John*, The effect of smartphone usage on kinematics and clinical measures in young adults, APTA Combined Sections Meeting, Denver, CO. 2/14/2020.
- Chou, A.F., Duncan A, Hallford Gene, Kelly D, Williamson Dean, L.*, A Scoping Review of Barriers and Strategies to Integrate Primary Care and Medical Genetics in Underserved Populations Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine. Accepted for publication 6/12/2020. JABFM-20-0288
Peer-Reviewed Poster Presentations
- Hakkak Reza*, Melnyk S and Korourian S. Effects of feeding soy protein isolate diet on hepatic methylation and oxidative stress in DMBA-induced mammary tumor in obese rat model. Virtual Annual American Association for Cancer Research. Abstract # 3460; June 22-24 (San Diego, Ca).
- Hakkak Reza* and Korourian S. Effects of soy protein diet on plasma isoflavones levels in obese DMBA-induced mammary tumor rat model. Virtual Annual American Association for Cancer Research. Abstract # 4642; June 22-24 (San Diego, Ca).
- Hakkak Reza*, Irby D., Rose S., Bennuri S., Spray B., Korourian S. Effects of Obesity and Short-Term Metformin Treatment on Liver Steatosis in Female Zucker Rats. Current Developments in Nutrition, Volume 4, Issue Supplement_2, June 2020, Page 1640,
- Rose C., Heo S, Nagel C, Hakkak Reza*, Landes R, Tsai PF. The Association of Caffeine Metabolite with Obesity and Low-Density Lipoprotein Level. Current Developments in Nutrition, Volume 4, Issue Supplement_2, June 2020, Page 1681,
- Rose S, Carvalho E, Irby D, Bennuri S, Beebe A, Hakkak Reza*. Mitochondrial Respiration in Female Zucker Rats: Effects of Obesity and Short-Term Metformin Treatment. Current Developments in Nutrition, Volume 4, Issue Supplement_2, June 2020, Page 1682,
- Kozaczek M, Bottje W, Greene E, Lassiter K, Kong BC, Rochelle S, Dridi S, Albataineh D, Hakkak Reza*. Global Gene Expression and Pathway Analysis of Liver Obtained After 8 and 16 Weeks of Feeding Soy Isolate- or Casein-Based Diets in Male Obese Zucker Rats. Current Developments in Nutrition, Volume 4, Issue Supplement_2, June 2020, Page 1650,
- O’Malley Ellen†, Phelps Josh*, Arthur Christi*, Hakkak Reza*. Investigating Effectiveness of a Pritikin-Based Cardiac Rehabilitation Program on Patients with Heart Disease. Current Developments in Nutrition, Volume 4, Issue Supplement_2, June 2020, Page 58,
- Spencer Sabrina†, Arthur Christi*, Phelps Josh*, Hakkak Reza*. A Tele-Visit Nutrition Intervention Promoting Consumption of Healthy Foods and Beverages Among Adolescents Attending Rural Public Schools. Current Developments in Nutrition, Volume 4, Issue Supplement_2, June 2020, Page 1350,
- Rose C, Heo S, Nagel C, Hakkak Reza*, Landes, Tsai PF. The Association of Caffeine Metabolite with Obesity and Glycohemoglobin Level. Current Developments in Nutrition, Volume 4, Issue Supplement_2, June 2020, Page 1680,
- Gatliff Rosemary†, Phelps Josh*, Arthur Christi*, Andres A. Examination of Prenatal Dietary Choline Intake, and Maternal and Infant Outcomes. Current Developments in Nutrition, Volume 4, Issue Supplement_2, June 2020, Page 993,
- Fawcett K, Sims C, Gatliff Rosemary†, McCorkle G, Bellando J, Phelps Josh*, Andres A., Associations Between Maternal Dietary Choline Intake During Pregnancy and Developmental Outcomes in Toddlers. Current Developments in Nutrition, Volume 4, Issue Supplement_2, June 2020, Page 980,
- Morris Theresa*, Huitt Tiffany*, Mind Maps in PA Clinical Reasoning Education, UAMS Teach the Teacher Symposium. 28 February 2020.
Non-Peer-Reviewed Poster Presentations
- Davidson David†, Fecal Microbiota Transplantation: A Potential Treatment for Ulcerative Colitis, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020.
- Axtell Emma†, Welter Kaylen†, Williams Edward*, Omadacycline: A Novel Antibiotic, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020.
- Mills Wes†, Griffin Rachel†, Clark Melissa*, Huitt Tiffany*, Impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences in a Student-Run Free Clinic Population, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020.
- Davidson David†, Cotton Houston†, Lynn Hunter†, Trout Chelsey*, Fecal Microbiota Transplantation: A Potential for Ulcerative Colitis, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020.
- Lewis Madison†, Carr Kierstin†, Patel Bhavini†, Trout Chelsey*, Hamstring vs. Patellar Tendon Autograft in ACL Reconstruction, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020.
- Hale Dianna†, Dale Emily Kate†, Richard-Davis Gloria*, Efficacy of Scalp Cooling in Preventing Chemothrapy-Induced Alopecia in Breast Cancer, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020.
- Woodall Aaron†, Cathey Savanna†, Jenkins Tristan†, Teigen Amber*, “You will get pregnant…and die” – Why American Sex Education is Lacking, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020.
- Martin Julia†, Henderson Mimi†, Tilley Lauren†, Jenson Joseph*, Huitt Tiffany*, Antibiotics as First Line Treatment for Uncomplicated Appendicitis, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020.
- Shaver Jen†, Hale Seth†, Springfield Sha’Roda†, Jensen Joseph*, Huitt, Tiffany*, Prevention of Contrast-Induced Nephropathy with N-acetylcysteine, Sodium Bicarbonate, or Normal Saline Prophylaxis, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020.
- Burch Jordan†, Johnson Rachel†, Ransom Payton†, McCrary Ashley*, Efficacy and Safety of Erenumab for Prevention of Episodic and Chronic Migraine in Patients with Prior Preventative Treatment Failures, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020.
- Cannon Natalie†, Ross Kate†, Trudeau Heather*, Huitt Tiffany*, The “Fat Factor” Shifting from Weight Centric to Health Centric Medicine: A Pilot Study, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020.
- Jones Justin†, Ahmed Ammar†, Price Jon†, Sherril John†, Gee Chance*, Bone-Patellar-Tendon-Bone Autograft Demonstrates Improved Clinical Outcomes Compared to the Hamstring Tendon Autograft for ACL Reconstruction, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020.
- Miller Marissa†, Huitt Tiffany*, Art as Medicine, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020.
- Crump Nicholas†, Rayburn Brian†, Street David†, Naydenova Vania*, The Effect of EECP in the Prevention of Angina, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020.
- Maddox Anthony†, Mullen Aaron†, Sangenito Michael†, Morris Theresa*, Review of Relapse Ewing Sarcoma Treatment Options, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020.
- Burseth Valerie†, Arteaga Kat†, Jones Alexis†, Vawryk-Button Nadja*, OnabotulinumtoxinA vs Topiramate: An evidence-based mini-systematic review on the efficacy of onabotulinumtoxinA as a first-line prophylactic treatment for chronic migraine, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020.
- Clark Melissa*, Inclusion of imaging students in a meaningful interprofessional experience, Student Run Free Clinic Faculty-Association Conference, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, 3/7/2020.
- Clark Lindsey*, Choe Jinny†, ABO-Type Detection in Molecular Diagnostics Student Laboratory, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020.
- Bajguz Dominika†, Kaylor Julie, Characterization of Genetic Testing Utilization by Provider Specialty, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020.
- Sayed-Ahmad Hebbah†, Dean Lori*, Perceptions of U.S.- educated Muslim Arabs towards Genetic Counseling, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020.
- Slayback Catelyn†, Danylchuk Noelle*, A qualitative exploration of genetic counselors’ experience and opinions regarding NIPT for microdeletions, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020.
- Madore Sarah†, Danylchuk Noelle*, Genetic counseling training and board exam performance: What factors predict success?, UAMS Northwest Regional Campus Student Research Day, 3/10/2020.
- Liebmann Kate†, Simonson Melinda, Assessing primary care provider knowledge of cancer genetics and screening, UAMS Northwest Regional Campus Student Research Day, 3/10/2020.
- Meadors, Olivia†, Assessing cardiorespiratory fitness testing using non-exercise testing measurements: Preliminary results, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020.
- Bennett, Holly†, Physical therapy students’ attitude towards working with people with dementia after various learning experiences, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020.
- Gamblin, Tabor†, Goodyear, Nikolai†, Coggins, Katie†, Penny, Harmony†, The relationship between cardiovascular risk factors and physical function in Marshallese patients living in Northwest Arkansas, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020.
- Heimer, Allison†, Stanford, Kelsie†, Shelton, Logan†, Cassity, Sharina†, Changes in physical function in Marshallese patients referred to physical therapy, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020.
- Daniels, Conci†, Hissong, Brandon†, Matlock, Matt†, Neri, Savannah†, The relationship between A1C and physical function in Marshallese patients, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020.
- Aguirre, Jeanne†, Luttrell, Sarah†, Merlos, Kennia†, Watkins, Katie†, Correlation between polypharmacy and fall risk in the Marshallese population, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020.
- Stone, Kyeon†, Meadors, Olivia†, Harper, Matt†, Armstrong, Annie†, The role of peripheral neuropathy in Marshallese patients at risk for falls, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020.
- Bennett, Holly†, Flanary, Lauren†, Williams, Tenley†, The effect of how early intervention post-concussion impacts rehabilitation in patients in an outpatient setting, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020.
- Finley Evan†, Atcherson Samuel*, National Survey for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Audiologists and Audiology Students, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020
- Hays Logan†, Atcherson Samuel, A*ssessing the need for an ototoxicity monitoring program at the Central Arkansas Radiation Therapy Institute, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020
- Hefley Mary†, Martin Patti*, Family Support Programs for Caregivers of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020
- Petersen Danielle†, Smiley Donna*, Examining Classroom Acoustics Resources for Teachers, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020
- Lei Ross†, Atcherson Samuel*, Relationship Between Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Affect the Ocular Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential: A Systematic Review, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020
- Williams Taylor†, Smiley Donna*, Retrospective analysis of direct instruction and coaching for a classroom teacher regarding hearing technology, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020
- Halvorsen Sian†, Atcherson Samuel*, Poor Performance by Adults with Cochlear Implants: A Scoping Review, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020
- Seever Katie†, Smith-Olinde Laura*, Does self-reported parent race/ethnicity and parent gender have an effect on The CARE Project’s Family Retreat survey responses for regions 1, 4, and 9?
- Thomas Jordan†, Goff Kenneth, Atcherson Samuel*. Patterns in Audiometric Thresholds & DPOAEs among Collegiate Band & Choir Members, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020
- Vanchipurakel Neil†, Gentry Betholyn*, Investigation of Hearing Health Services in First and Second-Generation American Immigrants, UAMS Student Research Day, 3/10/2020
Continuation Grants
- Hakkak Reza*, PI: Prevention of adolescent obesity-associated liver steatosis via metformin-induced alteration in the gut microbiota. ACRI, ABI, $75,000.00, (1/11/2018-10/31/2020).
- Hakkak Reza*, Translational Workforce Development Leader: Expanding Translational Research in Arkansas: National Center for Advancing Translational Science: PI, Laura James, MD., $24,221,701.00, NIH UL1 TR003107 (7/1/19 – 6/30/24).
- Hakkak Reza*, PI: Obesity, gut microbiota and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Protection in Adolescents and Adults by Soy Protein Diet. USDA, $500,000.00 (4/1/2020-3/31/2023).
- Phelps Josh* (PI), Maddox Tina* (Collaborator), Teigen Amber* (Collaborator), Lepard Tiffany* (Collaborator), Arthur Christi* (Collaborator), Cook Tonya* (Collaborator), Tucker Claire* (Collaborator), Rhoden Lisa* (Collaborator), Simmons Layla* (Collaborator), UAMS Office of Interprofessional Education Small Grant Program. Culinary Medicine, Mindfulness, and Motivational Interviewing – a Recipe for Interprofessional Education among Health Professions Students. $7,855.00 (7/1/19-3/31/20).
- Arthur Christi*, Nutrition Consultant: STAR Grant; HealthNOW!, $15,000. (8/1/2018 – 7/31/2020).
- Smith Catherine*, Cytotechnology Clinical Internship Financial Support. American Society for Clinical Pathology. $2,000. (7/1/2019 – 6/30/2020).
- Williamson Dean Lori* (PI) Heartland Regional Genetics Network, “Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA), Division of Maternal and Child Health, Genetics Services Branch. $1,800,000. (6/1/2017 -5/31/2020).
- Robertson Cherika*, Enhancing the Molecular Laboratory Experience, American Society for Clinical Pathology. $2,500. (7/1/2018 – 7/31/2020).
- Fussell, Jill, (COM) (PI), Robinson, Greg*, Atcherson, Sam*, Tassin, Tiffany*, Maddox Tina*, Maternal Child Health Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilites (LEND) Training Grant Program. $3,545,824. (9/16/2016 – 8/30/2021).
- Moser Dana*, Improving Functional Communication Outcomes in Post-Stroke Aphasia via Telespeech: An Alternative Service Delivery Model for Underserved Populations. CHP Seed Grant. $4,988. (9/9/2019 – 9/7/2020).
- Walter Christopher*, An Interprofessional Approach to Promoting Student Wellness through Awareness, Training, and Peer Intervention. UAMS IPE? Provost Grant. $11,500. (7/1/2019 – 6/30/2020)
- Holland Angel*, Warmack S, Schulz Thomas, Ross Ruth*, A Novel Development Training Workshop to Focus on Delivering Effective Student Feedback in Academic Medical Programs. UAMS Educators Academy, Office of Educational Development $2,430. (7/7/2019 – 6/30/2020).
- Vincenzo Jennifer*, KL2 Mentored Career Development Scholar Award – UAMS Development of a Falls Prevention Self-Management Plan, UAMS/NIH/NCATS. $231,720. (8/1/2019 – 7/31/2021).
- Robinson Gregory*, Executive functioning and working memory response time in children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and neurotypical children. CHP Seed Grant, $3,149. (9/9/2019 – 9/7/2020).
- Jefferson John*, Dissemination of the Walk with Ease (WWE) in Northwest Arkansas, Arkansas Department of Health. $14,048. (7/1/2019 – 6/30/2020).
Grants Submitted and Funded
- McMillian Ashley*, UAMS 12th Street Health and Wellness Center – Dental Initiatives. Delta Dental of Arkansas Foundation. $30,000. (1/1/2020 – 12/31/2020).
- Vincenzo Jennifer*, Co-Investigator, Safety Outcomes of Obese Nursing Home Residents, Agency for Health Care Research. $29,072. (6/1/2020 – 5/31/2021).
- Vincenzo Jennifer*, Parkinson’s Foundation Grant. Total $40,000 (9/30/2020 – 9/30/2021).
- Williamson Dean, Lori* (Co-I) Heartland Regional Genetics Network, Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA), Division of Material and Child Health, Genetic Services Branch.Total $2,400,000. (6/1/2020 – 5/31/2024).
Pending Grants
- Hardin Sarah*, Arkansas Geriatric Education Collaborative Geriatric Junior Faculty Development Award, HRSA, $30,000.
- Stadter Samantha (PI), Phelps Josh* (Co-I). Arkansas Fruit and Vegetable Prescription Project. USDA-NIFA-FINI-007112. $500,000 (10/01/2020-09/03/2023).
- Hahne Jeanne (PI), Atcherson Samuel* (Subaward PI), Forrest Craig (Subaward PI). National Institutes of Health (NIH) / Small Technology (STTR), $241,208. (9/1/2020 – 8/31/2022).
Grants Submitted but Not Funded
- Long Susan*, McMillan Ashley*, UAMS General Practice Residency Expansion, Health Resources and Services Administration, $2,223,706.
- Williams Edward*, Huitt Tiffany*, Fields Phyllis*, DeSantis Jeffery*, UAMS Physician Assistant Scholarship Program for Diversity in Healthcare, Health Resources and Services Administration, $3,250,000.
- Johnson Nathan*, Clark Lindsey*, Key Jason*, Smith Catherine*, Promoting Excellence in America’s Rural Labs (P.E.A.R.L.) – The Value of Medical Laboratory Science Education and ASCP BOC Certification for Medical Laboratory Professional, American Society for Clinical Pathology Grant, $31,241.
Books and Book Chapters
- Williams Edward, Essential Clinical Procedures, Elsevier, Chapter 33: Wound Dressing Techniques, 4th Edition, March 2020.
Workshops, Keynotes and Plenary Speeches
- Hakkak Reza, Impact of The Gut Microbiota on Cancer Development: Prevention vs Promotion. Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute Grand Round, UAMS, March 4, 2020.
- Holland Angel, Bridging the Generations Gap: Creating the Effective Clinical Team. Rehab Net of Arkansas Annual Conference, Branson, MO. 6 March 2020.
- Vincenzo Jennifer, Podcast on the Geri, Neuro Onc BFSIG Trialliance, Co-Speaker. Podcast. 1 January 2020.
Blog Posts and Commentaries
- Atcherson Samuel*, Hearing Health Magazine, Volume 36, page 24 – 25. Winter 2020.
- Reza Hakkak*, Interview with Science News for Students on excess-weight-results of blood test for kids and Teens, 2/11/2020;
- Reza Hakkak*, Live interview Science Café — ‘Essential Nutrition vs. Fad Diets’, 1/28/2020; 7:00-9:00 PM.
- Reza Hakkak*, Interview with ay (About You) Magazine “The 10 Leading Cause of Death for Men” The Heart Disease and Stroke section, Page 129-130. June 2020 issue.
- Vincenzo Jennifer* (Chair), Wang-Hsu E, Moyer H, Abbott C.C., Reiley A, Glenney S, Wingood W., Allison R, Dhingrah H, Phillips E, Nesser H, Graul P, Subramani S, Bell A, Outcomes measures toolkit for geriatric fall/balance assessment. Website of the American Physical Therapy Association – Geriatrics. January 2020.
- Clark Lindsey, Medicine and Meaning, Winter/Spring 2020, (Images published: “Blood Bank on Target, Part II” “A Beautiful Separation” and “Tiny Science”
Other Honors or Recognition
- Salter Kandy*, Quality Matters Teaching Online Certificate, Acclaim by Credity. 3/5/2020.
- Hall Charia*, Smith-Olinde Linda*, Atcherson Samuel*, Pultro Jayme*, Howard Matthew*, Peer Reviewers for Audiology Case-based Education Scenarios Work Group. (Quarterly)
- Johnson Nathan* (Invited Speaker), *Medical Laboratory Science – A Career Option for MLT Students, David Grant Medical Center, Travis AFB, VA. February 2020.
- Clark Lindsey*, 2020 UAMS Phenomenal Women Award “Each for Equal”, Women’s History Planning Committee, UAMS. 3/3/2020.
- Clark Lindsey*, McVoy Edward*, Robertson Cherika*, Omicron Sigma Award, American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science. 6/30/2020.
- Lindsey Clark* & Nathan Johnson*. ASCP Check Path, Case 9105, Beryllium and Occupational Applications, April 2020.
- Lindsey Clark*, ASCP Check Path, Second Quarter, Case 7099, H pylori infections, May 2020.
- Atcherson Samuel* (Editorial Review Board Member), Journal of American Deafness and Rehabilitation Association (JADARA) (2020- present)