This page details various past accomplishments achieved by our faculty, including publications, awards, grants and more, for a six-month period.
The names of College of Health Professions faculty members and students are shown in bold. Faculty members are indicated with an asterisk (*), while students are indicated with a dagger (†).
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Li Wei* and Hakkak Reza*. Soy Protein Concentrate Diets Inversely Affect LPS-Binding Protein Expression in Colon and Liver, Reduce Liver Inflammation, and Increase Fecal LPS Excretion in Obese Zucker Rats. Nutrients 2024, 16(7), 982;
- Al-Farhan AK, Weatherspoon LJ, Pfeiffer KA, Li Wei*, Carlson JJ. Dietary Quality Evidenced by the Healthy Eating Index and Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors in Kuwaiti Schoolchildren. Nutrients. 2024 Apr 22;16(8):1243. doi:10.3390/nu16081243 PMID: 38674933; PMCID: PMC11053461.
- Wong, J. M. W., Ludwig, D. S., Allison, D. B., Baidwan, N., Bielak, L., Chiu, C. Y., Dickinson, S. L., Golzarri-Arroyo, L., Heymsfield, S. B., Holmes, L., Jansen, Lisa*, Lesperance, D., Mehta, T., Sandman, M., Steltz, S. K., Wong, W. W., Yu, S., & Ebbeling, C. B. (2024). Design and conduct of a randomized controlled feeding trial in a residential setting with mitigation for COVID-19. Contemporary clinical trials, 140, 107490.
- Soto-Mota, A., Jansen, Lisa*, Norwitz, N. G., Pereira, M. A., Ebbeling, C. B., & Ludwig, D. S. (2024). Physiologic Adaptation to Macronutrient Change Distorts Findings from Short Dietary Trials: Reanalysis of a Metabolic Ward Study. The Journal of nutrition, 154(4), 1080–1086.
- Sims, C. R., Saben, J. L., Martinez, A., Sobik, S. R., Crimmins, M. R., Bulmanski, J. E., Turner, D., Furst, A., Jansen, Lisa*, Bode, L., & Andres, A. (2024). A Mediterranean diet plan in lactating women with obesity reduces maternal energy intake and modulates human milk composition – a feasibility study. Frontiers in nutrition, 11, 1303822.
- Wiese Rachel†, Kimbrow Lori*, Occlusive Thrombosis of the Superior Mesenteric Vein Following Duodenal Switch Procedure: A Case Study, Sage Journals, 5 April 2024
- Soto-Mota, A., Jansen, Lisa*, Norwitz, N. G., Pereira, M. A., Ebbeling, C. B., & Ludwig, D. S. (2024). Reply to C M Sciarrillo et al. The Journal of nutrition, 154(3), 1061–1063.
- Muriithi Benard*, Bay R. Curtis, The effects of occupational disruption during COVID-19 lockdowns on health: a cross-sectional student, PeerJ, June 2024,
- Vincenzo Jennifer*, Bergen Gwen, Casey Colleen M, Eckstrom Elizabeth, Reframing Fall Prevention and Risk Management as a Chronic Condition Through the Lens of the Expanded Chronic Care Model: Will Integrating Clinical Care and Public Health Improve Outcomes? The Gerontologist, volume 64, April 2024,
- Slavych, B.K., Atcherson, Samuel R.*, & Zraick, R.I. (2024). Using ChatGPT to teach plain language writing for audiology and speech-language pathology students: a tutorial. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups: Special Interest Group 10, Issues in Higher Education. (PERSP-23-00163)
- Sarangi, Lipika*. & Johnson, J. (2024). Impact of patient attributes on the relationship between hearing handicap and readiness to pursue audiologic rehabilitation. International Journal of Audiology, 1-9. PMID: 38587097
- Rao S.K., Moore H., Danylchuk Noelle*, Williamson Lori*, Host perspectives on international fieldwork placements for U.S.-based genetic counseling students. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 00, 9 June 2024, 1-8,
- Moore R., Callaphan-Koru J., Vincenzo Jennifer*, Patton SK, Spear MJ, Riklon S., Alik E, Padilla Ramos A., Takamaru S., McElfish PA, Curran GM., External relationships as implementation determinants in community-engaged, equity-focused COVID-19 vaccination events, Frontiers in Health Sciences, volume 4, March 2024,
- Galada C., Blake A.K., Williamson Lori*, & Rao S.K., International students’ perspectives on the genetic counseling application process. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 00, 1-13, 21 March 2024,
- Marshall SA, Siebenmorgen Lachan*, Youngen K, Boarders T., Zaller N. Primary Care Providers: Experiences Treating Opioid Use Disorder using Telehealth in the Height of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Journal of Primary Care & Community Health, volume 15, 10 April 2024,
- Corken Adam, Ong Vincz, Rajshekhar Kore, Ghanta Sai, Karaduta Oleg*, Pathak Rupak, Rose Shannon, Porter Craig, Jain Nishank, Platelets, inflammation, and purinergic receptors in chronic kidney disease, Elsevier, 29 May 2024,
- Kavya C., Coker H., Youngblood Emily†, Karaduta Oleg*, Proteogenomics in Nephrology: A New Frontier in Nephrological Research, Current Issues in Molecular Biology, 29 February 2024, volume 46(5) pages 4595 – 4608,
Peer-Reviewed Oral Presentations
- Hall Charia*. Exploring Audiologists; Perspectives on Public Health in Audiology Practice. National Speech-Language and Hearing Annual (ASHA) Conference; December 2024; Seattle, WA.
- Nathan Johnson*, Support your Technical Staff by Encouraging Education, Presenter, American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science/Society of Armed Forces Medical Laboratory Science Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, 10 July 2024.
- Howe Madison*, Inclusion in the Clinic: Considerations for Gender Affirming Care in a Child with Hearing Loss, Podium Presentation, Society for Ear, Nose and Throat Advancement in Children (SENTAC); November 2024; Denver, CO.
- Price Caitlin*, A matter of balance: Identifying candidates for targeted balance intervention. Mississippi Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Conference; September 2024; Flowood, MS.
- Sarangi Lipika*. Evidence-based counseling education to bridge coursework knowledge to clinical practice: A quality improvement project. Oral Seminar presented at the annual convention of American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA); December 2024; Seattle, WA
- Marrone, N., Hay-Cutcheon, M., Robler, S., Ocasio Portalatn, N., Sarangi Lipika*, Powell, D. Evaluating hearing healthcare for underserved populations. Moderated the invited short course at the annual convention of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA); December 2024; Seattle, WA.
- Carr Portia*, Moser Dana*, Odom L. Elevating Wellness in Aphasia Care: Best Practice Recommendations [Conference session]. The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Conference; December 2024; Seattle, WA.
- Cohn, M., Howe Madison*. Navigating the Intersection: Insights from a Misdiagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder in the Presence of Hearing Loss, Podium Presentation, Society for Ear Nose and Throat Advancement in Children (SENTAC); November 2024; Denver, CO.
- Schultes, B., Howe Madison*, Divided Decisions: Challenges in Managing late-Identified Hearing Loss with Conflicting Parental Perspectives, Podium Presentation, Society for Ear, Nose and Throat Advancement in Children (SENTAC); November 2024, Denver, CO.
- Turner, K., Howe Madison*, Building Confidence in a Rare Case, Podium Presentation, Society for Ear, Nose and Throat Advancement in Children (SENTAC); November 2024, Denver, CO.
- Howe Madison*, Casteix, J., Chun, R., Guiding a New Generation: The Art of Multidisciplinary Precepting in Pediatric Care, Presentation, Society for Ear, Nose and Throat Advancement in Children (SENCTAC), November 2024, Denver, CO.
- Atcherson, Samuel R.*, Slavych, B., & Zraick, Z.I. Unlocking AI Magic: ChatGPT for Speech Pathologist and Audiologist. 2024 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, December 5 – 7, 2024, Seattle, WA.
- Atcherson, Samuel R.*, Toliver-Smith, Andi*, Henry, M.M., & *Duran-Moelter, Kyrsee. (2024, December 5-7). Experiences of Deaf Hearing Aid Users in US Audiology Clinics. Podium presentation for the 2024 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association convention, Seattle, WA. (Selected visionary session as top 150 of 3300 proposals)
- Atcherson, Samuel R.* (2024, September 21). Hearing Loss and Resources. 2024 Arkansas Family NF Conference (hybrid), Little Rock, AR.
- Sellars, E., Gober, C., Scott, M.A., Bielamowicz, K., Horta, E.S., & Atcherson, Samuel R.* (2024, September 21). Arkansas Family NF Conference Panel. 2024 Arkansas Family NF Conference (hybrid), Little Rock, AR.
- Atcherson, Samuel R.* (2024, September 12). Vestibular and Balance Issues. Invited presentation for the Arkansas Trauma Rehabilitation Symposium, Little Rock, AR.
- Zraick, R.I., Atcherson, Samuel R.*, & Slavych, B.K. (2024, July 22). Using ChatGPT to generate case reports for clinical teaching of health professions students. Presentation for the UCF Teaching and Learning with AI 2024 Conference, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL.
- Atcherson, Samuel R.*, Slavych, B.K., & Zraick, R.I. (2024, July 9). Academic, Research, and Clinical Applications of ChatGPT for Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists. Invited webinar for the ArkSHA Schools Conference, Arkansas Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Little Rock, AR.
- Mayberry Hillary*, Siebenmorgen Lachen*, Elevating Surgical Medicine Training with Peer Facilitation, UAMS Centers for Stimulation Education Research Day, October 2024, Little Rock, AR.
- Siebenmorgen Lachen*, Advancing Academia: Navigating Promotion and Tenure with the Boyer Model, PAEA Forum, October 2024, Washington, DC.
- Williams Edward*, Navigating Success: Strategic Planning for PA Programs, PAEA Forum, October 2024, Washington, DC.
- Karaduta Oleg*, Advancing Uniform Stochastic Design in Photmatrix Therapeutic Systems, 5th International Conference on Biomaterials & Biodevices, United Kingdom, October 2024.
- Williams Edward*, Supporting Students on the PA School Merry-Go-Round, PAEA Forum, October 2024, Washington, DC.
- Walter Chris*, Holland Angel*, Implementing a Student-Led Interprofessional Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome Clinic: Lessons Learned and Next Steps, American Physical Therapy Association, October 2024, Oakland, CA.
- Long Susan*, Tucker Claire*, Common Myths and Misperceptions about Academic Leadership, Association of Schools Advancing Health Professions, October 2024, Atlanta, GA.
- Tucker Claire*, Fitzhugh Bridget*, Incorporating Artificial Intelligence in a Group Project to Enhance Learning Experience, Association of Schools Advancing Allied Health, October 2024, Atlanta, GA.
Peer-Reviewed Poster Presentations
- Hakkak Reza*, Korourian Soheila, Spray Beverley, Randolph Christopher, Irby David, Robeson Michael. Soy protein concentrate with low and high isoflavones can reverse Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease caused by obesity and alter gut microbial composition. American Society for Nutrition Annual Meeting; June 30, 2024.
- Li Wei*, Hakkak Reza*. Soy protein concentrate diets reduce liver lipopolysaccharide-binding protein expression and liver inflammation in obese Zucker rats with liver steatosis. American Society for Nutrition Annual Meeting; June 30, 2024.
- Hakkak Reza*, Melnyk S. Soy protein diet changes metabolic profile in liver of 7,12-dimethylbenz(α)anthracene (DMBA)-induced mammary tumors in obese Zucker rats. Poster 759/12; American Association for Cancer Research; April 6, 2024; San Diego, California.!/20272/presentation/5569
- Wei Li*, Levi Epstein†, Rebekah Stubbs†, Julia Clark†, and Courtney Fose*. Obesity indices positively correlate with age in 2 to 5-year-old children in a Head Start program and was exacerbated by the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. American Society for Nutrition Annual Meeting; June 30, 2024.
- Jansen Lisa*, Stewart Scott, Chung Simon, Brown Andrew, Cheak Lillian†, Jeffrey Precious, Andres Aline, Børsheim Elisabet. Effects of a Physical Activity Intervention on Long-Term Glycemic Trends in Pregnant Women with Obesity: A Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) Pilot Study. Poster 488; 9th National IDeA Symposium of Biomedical Research Excellence (NISBRE); June 18, 2024; Washington, DC.
- Vu Thao*, Key Jason*, Evaluating Effectiveness of Pilot Review Session, UAMS Teach the Teacher, 26 January 2024.
- Johnson Nathan*, An Examination of MLS Graduates Retaking the BOC MLS Exam, UAMS Teach the Teacher, 26 January 2024.
- Mayberry Hillary*, Siebenmorgen Lachen*, Gamified Cadaveric Scavenger Hunt Reinforces Anatomy Competency Among PA students, UAMS Teach the Teacher, 26 January 2024.
- Schultes, Brooklyn†, Atcherson, Samuel R.*, Hahne, J., & DeBaun, B. (2024, April 17-20). Potential Benefit of Novel Transparent N95 Mask: Survey of Communication, Usability, and Fit. Poster presentation for the 2024 American Academy of Audiology, Atlanta, GA.
- Genser, N., McInerney, M., Atcherson, Samuel R.*, Rooney, A., Kagan-Weitz, E., & Wambacq, I. (2024, April 17-20). Assessing Distortion in Modified Listening Scope Solutions for Deaf Audiologists. Poster presentation for the 2024 American Academy of Audiology, Atlanta, GA.
- Atcherson, Samuel R.*, Schultes, Brooklyn†, Patel, Aayushi†, Hahne, J., & DeBaun, B. (2024, April 5). Communication, Usability, and Fit of Transparent and Non-Transparent N95 Masks. Poster presentation for the 2024 Arkansas Nursing Research Day, Little Rock, AR.
- Boles, E., & Atcherson, Samuel R.* (2024, April 7-9). Daily Skincare Practices and Routines of Young Adults Males. Poster presentation at the 17th Health Disparities Conference, Xavier University of Louisiana, New Orleans, LA.
- Price Caitlin*, Hardison, H. & Spradley, L. (2024, February 15-17). Assessing balance intervention outcomes in older adults with hearing loss [Poster session]. American Auditory Society. Scottsdale, AZ, United States.
- Sarangi, Lipika* & Johnson, Jani. (Feb 16, 2024). Hearing aid success in individuals with high hearing aid self-efficacy. Refereed poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Auditory Society, Scottsdale, AZ.
- Carr Portia*(2024, April). Perspectives in Private Practice: One Size Doesn’t Fit All. The National Black Association for Speech, Language, and Hearing Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC.
- Moser Dana*, Carr Portia*, Price Caitlyn*, Williamson Shana*, & Hall Charia* (2024, April). Utilizing Clinical Research to Empower & Advance the Professions of Speech-Language & Audiology. The Council of Academic Programs in Communication Sciences & Disorders Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Hall Charia*, Howe Madison*, Moser Dana*, & Williamson Shana* (2024, February). Precepting Primer: How to be an Effective Supervisor While Maintaining Your Sanity. The Arkansas Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Conference, Little Rock, AR.
- Robinson Greta* (2024, May) A Practical Guide to Cultural Responsivity: Holding Paramount the Welfare of Those We Serve from Marginalized Groups. A one-hour seminar for the Long Island Speech-Language-Hearing Association, online.
Non-Peer-Reviewed Poster Presentations at UAMS Student Research Day
- Boudrey Sydney†, Li, Wei*. “Dietary Protein Supplementation during Time Restricted Feeding Does Not Affect Cardiometabolic Markers”
- Ito Samantha†, Jones, Lesley*. “Association of Cooked vs. Catered Meal Preparation with BMI of Head Start Participants”
- Morrow Kati†, Jones, Lesley*. “Association of Cooked vs. Catered Meal Preparation with BMI of Head Start Participants”
- Tipton Abby†, Jansen, Lisa*. “Investigating the Association of Asthma Diagnosis with Children’s BMI Percentiles in Females”
- Solis Nallely†, Jansen, Lisa*. “Examining the Relationship between BMI Percentiles and Asthma Diagnosis in Children Enrolled in the Head Start Program”
- Turley Elizabeth†, Fose, Courtney*. “Body Mass Index Distribution in Girls and Boys Pre & Post COVID-19 in Pulaski County”
- Stewart Hayley†, Fose, Courtney*. “Pre- and Post-Pandemic Body Mass Index Changes in 2-3 Year Olds in UAMS Head Start Program”
- Jackson Garret†, Jones, Lesley*. “The Effect of Food Allergy Diagnoses on BMI in Head Start Participants”
- Caldwell Lexee†, Jones, Lesley*. “Association of Food Allergy Diagnoses with BMI of Children in UAMS Head Start”.
- Engskov Mary†, Jansen, Lisa*. “Association of Single-Parenthood with BMI Percentile Placement of Children Enrolled in UAMS Head Start Programs”
- Furr Jordan†, Jansen, Lisa*. “Association of Single-Parenthood with BMI Percentile Placement of Children Enrolled in UAMS Head Start Programs”
- Clark Julie†, Li, Wei*. “Weight for Age Z-Score in UAMS Early Head Start Population”
- Epstein Levi†, Li, Wei*. “Sex-specific patterns in childhood obesity within a Head Start program before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic”
- Stubbs Rebekah†, Li, Wei*. “Increasing BMI percentiles and z-scores in UAMS Head Start Boys and Girls ages 26-67 months old”
- Rice Devon†, Dorothy Patrick†, Rogers Anthony†. “Advancing Prostate Cancer Treatment: Oncological Outcomes with HIFU therapy in men with prostate neoplasms”
- Cheek Emma†, Pierce Camryn†, Roberts Audrey†. FOCUS ON P.O.C.U.S.
- Cortez Kimberly†, Carllee SW*, Warmack TS*, Walter Christopher*. “Characterizing motor skill acquisition in people with Long COVID: Implications for rehabilitation”
- Aubrey Smith†, West Carlee†. “The Safety and Efficacy of Testosterone Therapy in Women to Help Manage Common Postmenopausal Symptoms”
- Jeffery Harry†, Wells Wesley†. “Will My baby Be, Okay?” A Systematic Review and Comparison of Suboxone or Methadone Treatment Outcomes of Mothers and Neonates in Opioid Use Disorder
- Davenport Marina†, Biles Sydney†, Tovar Chavez Miriam†. “The Use of Chewing Gum in Reducing the Occurrence of Postoperative Ileus in Abdominal/Pelvic Surgeries”
- Hamilton Sarah†, Boles Maggie†, Atkinson Cassandra†. “Point-of-Care Ultrasound as a Screening Tool in Abdominal, Cardiac, and Obstetric Assessments, in Primary Care: A Systematic Review”
- Roberts Audrey†, Pierce Camryn†, Cheek Emma†. “Assessing Barriers to the Utilization of Point of Care Ultrasound in Student Run Free Clinics”
- Reynolds Madison†, Selanders Mary†. Revolutionizing Lateral Epicondylitis Treatment: Efficacy of Ultrasound-Guided Percutaneous Needle Tenotomy”
- Waymire Patric†, Saling Landen†, Grigg Jeremy†. “Psychosocial Factors that Influence Providers’ Ability to Practice Safe and Effective Patient Care”
- Loyd Madison†, Sims Lauren†, Housley Emily†. “Efficacy of Analgesic Strategies During IUD Insertion in Women of Reproductive Age”
- Orison Luke†, Jorgensen Michael†, Taylor Chad†. “Effect on Non-traditional Flexibility Training on Joint Range of Motion in Healthy Adults”
- Mallard Jordan†, Roberts Emma†. “Investigating the Most Effective Exercise Regimens for Knee Osteoarthritis Pain Relief”
- Moore Katie†, White Alyson†, Kim Lydia†. “Racial Inequities and their impact on Maternal Morbidity and Mortality: A Call to Action”
- Eastep Emma†, Mitchell Blake†, Wilson Megan†. “The Effect of GLP-1 Receptor Agonists on the Gastrointestinal System in Patients with Obesity and/or Diabetes Mellitus Type II”
- Johnson Caleb†, Greer Spencer†, Work Parker†. “The Pulmonary Microbiome: Medication of Lung Pathogenesis, and a possible Therapeutic Target in Patients with Asthma”
- Chiolino, Alexa† & Toliver-Smith, Andrea*. “The Motivational Factors of Second Language Acquisition for Adult Immigrants in the US”
- Daifallah, Maha†, Marzetta Scott†, Mallory Wine†, Moser, Dana* & Carr, Portia*. “Impact of Participation in Reading Group for Persons with Aphasia”
- Donaldson, Sydney†, Wray, Sydney†, & Jones, Barbara*. “An Analysis of Dynamic Tactile and Temporal Cueing (DTTC) as Effective Therapy for Childhood Apraxia of Speech”
- Draper, Chloe†, Sutton, Ashley†, & Allen, Sarah*. “Utilization of Hippotherapy as a Therapeutic Tool for Childhood Apraxia of Speech: A Literature Review”
- Hahn, Emily† & Toliver-Smith, Andrea*. “The Effects of Visual Stimuli During Assessment and Treatment of Apraxia of Speech in Hard of Hearing Individuals”
- Johnson, Cassie† & Toliver-Smith, Andrea*. “Empowering Communication: The Impact of Parent Training on Augmentative and Alternative (AAC) Users”
- Stewart, Blair†, West, Courtney†, Carr, Portia*, & Moser, Dana*. “Barriers to Aphasia Access along the Continuum of Care: Understanding and Overcoming Communication Challenges”
- Turner, Sierra† & Toliver-Smith, Andrea*. “The Impact of Trauma on Speech and Language Disorders”
- Yeager, Yeager† & Robinson, Gregory*. “Cultural Responsiveness Training 101: Working with and Supporting TLGBQ+ Clients in Communication Sciences and Disorders Health Care”
- Brown Rosalyn†, Wadley Alex*. “Assessing the Perspectives of Genetic Counselors Regarding Oncology Patients at the End of Life”
- Burnside Brittany†, Williamson Lori*. “Assessing the Efficacy of Best Practices for Obtaining Culturally Relevant and Medially Accurate Pedigrees from Marshallese Patients”
- Koti Raji†, Danylchuk Noelle*. “Attitudes of Health Care Students Towards Polygenic Risk (PRS)”
- Prater-Rochier Victoria†, Danylchuk Noelle*. ” How are Genetic Testing VUS Results Impacting Pediatric Case Management Within 6 months of Results Disclosure at a Single Institution?”
- Rexroad Michael†, Lepard Tiffany*. “The Experience of Genetic Counselors in the Diagnosis and Care of People with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders”
Grant Submitted and Funded
- Hux Glenda*, Know My ACES, Women’s Giving Circle, $16,615 (1/1/2024–12/31/2025).
- Muriithi Bernard*, Adapting Lifestyle Redesign for Diabetes Management among the Marshallese in Northwest Arkansas, National Cener for Advancing Translational Sciences, $23,812 (7/1/2024 – 6/30/2026).
- Jansen, Lisa T*., PI: Continuous Glucose and E-Monitoring to Support Healthy Weight Gain in Pregnancies. Research Project Leader, CCOP COBRE, NIGMS P20GM109096 (04/17/2024 – 01/31/2026), $461,912.
- Sarangi, Lipika*. Optimizing Evidence-Based Counseling Education for Clinical Audiology Students. UAMS Education and Student Success Center Educational Innovation Grant, $2,500 (7/1/2024 – 6/30/2024).
Continuation Grants
- Hakkak, Reza*, PI: Obesity, gut microbiota and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Protection in Adolescents and Adults by Soy Protein Diet. USDA (4/1/2020-3/31/2025), $500,000.00.
- Vincenzo Jennifer*, PI: Developing and testing implementation strategies to support the STEDI for falls risk management in outpatient rehabilitation, K76 Paul B. Beeson Emerging Leaders in Aging Grant, (7/1/2022 – 6/30/2027), $1,051,000.00
- Marshall Alex, Siebenmorgen Lachan*, Mayfield Laura, Montgomery Brooke, Maternal and Child Health Public Health Catalyst Program, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) (5/1/2020 – 5/1/2024), $70,000.
- Gilmet K.A., Glade R.E.S., Salter Kandy*, Student Field Experience Funds to support SPARK Day, University of Arkansas COEHP, $6,850 (12/15/2023 – 6/30/2024).
- Fussell Jill, (COM) (PI), Robinson Greta*, Atcherson Sam*, Lepard Tiffany*. Maternal Child Health Leadership Education in Neurodevelopment Disabilities (LEND). U.S. Department of Human Services. Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA), (9/1/2021 – 8/31/2026), $3,545,824.00
- Williamson Lori*, Co-Director: Heartland Regional Genetics Network HRSA, (6/1/2021 – 11/30/2024), $2,400,000.00.
- Atcherson, Samuel R.*, Hahn J. A Transparent Surgical Mask to Improve Patient/Caregiver Communication, Minimize Errors, and Increase Patient Satisfaction, National Institutes of Health. $241,907. (4/1/2021 – 4/1/2023; No cost extension through 8/1/2024).
- Price Caitlin N.*, Investigating the role of attentional components in speck-in-noise perception and neural speech encoding, UAMS CHP SEED Grant, $4,730. (8/1/2023 – 7/31/2024).
Pending Grants
- Wei Li* (PI), Reza Hakkak*. Soy protein diet mitigates obesity-associated liver inflammation by increasing colon lipopolysaccharide-binding protein secretion. NIH R21, $575,703.00 (7/1/2025 – 6/29/2028).
- Thomas J., Glade R., Salter Kandy*. Partnering for Arkansas Communities to Thrive (PACT), Office of Special Education Program, $1,248,601.00 (10/1/2024 – 9/30/2029).
- Vu Thao*, Medical Laboratory Profession Outreach Program, American Society of Clinical Pathology, $2,525 (8/31/2024 – 8/31/2027).
- Howe Madison*, (PI) Balanced Beginnings: Developing Arkansas’ First Pediatric Vestibular Clinic, UAMS Chancellor’s Circle Grant, $50,000 (9/1/2024 – 8/30/2025).
- Karaduta Oleg*, Howe, Madison*, Annichiarico, C. Leveraging Interprofessional Clinical Education to Address Healthcare Disparities: A Pilot Program for the Delta Region, UAMS Educational Innovation Grant, Co-Principal Investigator, UAMS Education and Student Success Center, $2,500 (7/1/2024 – 6/30/2025).
- Sarangi, Lipika*. Patient-centric Success with Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids in Everyday Listening Situations. Hearing Health Foundation, $50,000 (9/1/2024 – 8/30/2025).
- Sarangi, Lipika*. Audiology Education Reimagined: Leveraging Simulation Technology for Enhanced Learning. UAMS Chancellor’s Circle Grant, $34,456 (9/1/2024 – 8/30/2025).
- Sarangi, Lipika*. Self-efficacy-based Auditory Rehabilitation to optimize Real-world Outcomes with Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids: A pilot Study, UAMS College of Health Professions Seed grant, $5000 (8/1/2024 – 7/31/2025).
- Atcherson, Samuel R.* National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center (RERC) Program for “Deaf Engineering Research and Development Center (Deaf-R&D/RERC),” May 6, 2024 PI Wendy Dannels, Role: Sub-Award PI. Submitted for $432,885.
Grants Submitted but Not Funded
- Wei Li (PI) and Hakkak Reza*. Protective Effect of Different Levels of Dietary Soy Protein on Obesity Induced Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) by Reducing Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) Translocation and Inflammation. USDA (4/1/2024-3/31/2026), $300,000. Resubmission, 8/22/2024.
- Muriithi Bernard*, Policies for Action, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, $499,550.
- McArthur Jennifer*, Clinical Laboratory Educators Conference (CLEC) Travel Grant, Ascending Professional Forum, American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science, $750.00.
- Gee Chance*, Wilkerson Brittany*, Karaduta Oleg*, NccPA “PAs STEP UP grant”, The National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA), $2,500.
- Karaduta Oleg*, CKDGenoPro: Proteogenomics for CKD in Rural Health, TRI Pilot Grant, $25,000.
- Siebenmorgen Lachan*, Williams Edward*, Teigen Amber*, Karaduta Oleg*, DeSantis Jeffery*, Physician Assistant Rural Training in Behavioral Health, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), $860,114.00 (3/15/2024 – 6/30/2029).
- Howe Madison* (May 2024) Balanced Beginnings: Developing Arkansas’ First Pediatric Vestibular Clinic, Blue & You Maternal and Pediatric Heath Foundation Grant, $55,000.
Books and Book Chapters
Workshops, Keynotes and Plenary Speeches
- Alex Wadley*, Presenter, RASCO Symposium, Genetic testing update for hereditary colorectal cancers, UAMS Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute. 3/8/2024.
- Edward Wiliams*, Guest, PA Path Podcast, 6/17/2024
- Edward Williams*, Facilitator, New Program Directors Jump Start Workshop, Virtual, 5/8/2024
Blog Posts and Commentaries
- Thao Vu*, ASCLS Today, Volume 38 number 3, 2024 June,
- Glenda Hux*, COEHP Dean’s Summer Research Fellowship, 1 May 2024.
- Jennifer McArthur*, 2024 Recipient of Excellence Award for exemplary work in Learning Experience Design Foundations II graduate course, Western Governor’s University, College of Education, 12 February 2024
Other Honors or Recognition
- Hakkak Reza*; Long-term members (more than 28 years) research and service award; American Association for Cancer research, 4/6/2024; San Diego, CA.
- Nathan Johnson*, Appointed Treasurer, National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS)
- Nathan Johnson*, Appointed to Executive Committee, National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS)
- Jennifer Vincenzo*, APTA Geriatrics Board of Directors
- Jennifer Vincenzo*, Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy Member of editorial Board
- Thao Vu*, UAMS Phenomenal Women Award – Building and approachable and accessible learning environment for students to succeed in the course and program
- Oleg Karaduta*, invited to join the Editorial Board of “Current Probiotics”.
- Caitlin Price* – Selected as a protege for the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Pathways Program. – Participants of the program are selected through a competitive application process. Funding provided for conference travel to the initial working conference which includes lectures, in-person mentoring sessions, and discussions related to developing independent clinical research careers.
- Madison Howe* — Board Member, Multicultural Issues Board, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (January 2024 to present)
- Madison Howe* — Grant Reviewer, Grant Program for Projects on Multicultural Activities, American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (May–June 2024)
- Lipika Sarangi*. Appointed as the Professional Development Manager for the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) Special Interest Group (SIG-7) for Auditory Rehabilitation (Term: 2024-2026).
- Lipika Sarangi*. Appointed as the Executive Board Member – Treasurer for the Academy of Rehabilitative Audiology (2024 – Present)
- Lipika Sarangi*. Served in the program committee for the 2024 convention planning for the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (Topic section: Hearing, Balance, Tinnitus – Assessment and Intervention: Adult).
- Lipika Sarangi*. Reviewer for the PLOS ONE peer-reviewed journal (invited)
- Lipika Sarangi*. Guest on Wearable and Implantable Hearing Devices, to the undergraduate Computer Engineering students at the California State University, Fullerton, CA. (April 18, 2024).