This page details various past accomplishments achieved by our faculty, including publications, awards, grants and more, for a six-month period.
The names of College of Health Professions faculty members and students are shown in bold. Faculty members are indicated with an asterisk (*), while students are indicated with a dagger (†).
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Abou-Diab, S.*, Moser, Dana*, Atcherson, Samuel R.* (2018). Evaluation of the Readability, Validity, and User-Friendliness of Written Web-Based Patient Education Materials for Aphasia. Aphasiology, 32, 1-13.
- Beck, D.L., Danhauer, J.L., Abrams, H.B., Atcherson, Samuel R.*, et al. (2018). Audiologic Considerations for People with Normal Hearing Sensitivity Yet Hearing Difficulty and/or Speech-in-Noise Problems (10th ed., vol. 25, pp. 28-38). Leawood, KS: MedQor.
- Gray, S., Zraick, R. I., Atcherson, Samuel R.*, (in press). Readability of IDEA Part B Procedural Standards: An Update. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools.
- Kintz, Stephen*, Hibbs, V., Henderson, A., Andrews, M., Wright, H. H. (2018). Discourse-based treatment in mild traumatic brain injury. Journal of Communication Disorders, 76, 47-59. (Accepted).
- Kim, H., Kintz, Stephen*, Zelonsky, K., Wright, H. H. (2018). Measuring Word Retrieval in Narrative Discourse: Core Lexicon in Aphasia. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 54(1), 62-78. (Accepted).
- Robinson, Gregory C.* and Norton, P.C. (In Press) A Decade of Disproportionality: A State-Level Analysis of African American Students Enrolled in the Primary Disability Category of Speech or Language Impairment. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools.
- Soman, U. & Nevins Mary Ellen* (2018). Guiding Principles and Essential Practices of Listening and Spoken Language Intervention and Education in Supporting Listening and Spoken Language among English Learners with Hearing Loss, Topics in Language Disorders, 38,3 pp202-224, OI:10.1097/T/lD0000000000000158.
- Tucker, Claire*, Efurd, M., & Turley, Shannon*. (in press). Portfolios and Self Assessment in Dental Hygiene Education. Journal of Allied Health.
- Metz KA, Teng X, Coppens I, Lamb HM, Wagner BE, Rosenfeld JA, …, Garnica A, Danylchuk NR*, Burrow TA, … Hardwick JM. (November 2018). KCTD7 deficiency defines a distinct neurodegenerative disorder with a conserved autophagy-lysosome defect. Ann Neurol 84(5), 766-780. doi: 10.1002/ana.25351
- Taylor J. David*, Mathis RA, Odom B, Lairamore C. (In press) Discriminant Analysis of the Patient-Specific Function Scale in discerning between loss of physical function categories in community-dwelling older adults. Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation. 2018 Sept.
- Vincenzo, Jennifer L*., Gray, M., & Glenn, J.M. (2018). Validity of a novel, clinically relevant measure to differentiate functional power and movement velocity and discriminate fall history in older adults: A pilot investigation. Innovation in Aging, 2(3). DOI:
- Glenn, J.M., Gray, M., Moyen, N.E., Vincenzo, Jennifer L*., Harmon, K.K., & Brown, L.E. (2018). Test-retest reliability and the learning effect on isokinetic fatigue in female master’s cyclists. International Journal of Kinesiology & Sports Science, 6(4): 1-9.
- Paul SS, Schaefer SY, Olivier GN, Walter Christopher S.*,Lohse KR, Dibble LE. (2018). Dopamine replacement medication does not influence implicit learning of a stepping task in people with Parkinson’s disease. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair, 32(12): 1031-1042.
- Nathan Johnson*. (2018). Lower back pain and the clinical laboratory. ASCP Checkpath, Comprehensive Case 2018, (5).
Peer-Reviewed Poster Presentations
- Kozaczek M, Bottje W, Greene G, Lassiter K, Kong BC, Rochell S, Baum J, Dridi S, and Reza Hakkak*. Liver Global Gene Expression Analysis After 8 Week Feeding Soy Isolate- or Casein-based Diets using Male Obese Zucker Rat Model. 3rd International meeting on Obesity and Chronic Diseases. Los Angles, July 24, 2018.
- Queen, Lindsay*, Phelps Josh*, Rodibaugh R, Maddox Tina*. Food Demonstrations Using Ingredients from Non-Traditional Grocery Stores. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics; 2018 (Suppl 1), 118(9):A41.
- Kozaczek, M; Sami, D; Greene, E; Kentu, L; Byungwhi, C K; Baum, J; Rochell, S; Khatri, B; Bottje, W and Reza Hakkak*. Liver Proteogenomics in Liver After Feeding Soy Isolate- or Casein-based Diets in Male Zucker Rats. Obesity. Nashville, TN, November 18-21, 2018.
- Atcherson*, Samuel R.*, Audicon V, “Do’s and Don’ts and Specific Challenges in CAEP Research in a Clinical Context,” Manipal University, Manipal, India. (November 2018).
- Atcherson*, Samuel R.*., Arkansas Gerontological Society Fall Meeting, “Adapting to Hearing Loss,” Little Rock, AR, United States. (November 9, 2018).
- Atcherson*, Samuel R.* National Rehabilitation Association Annual Training Conference, “Health Literacy Applications for Rehabilitation,” Oklahoma City, OK, United States. (October 14, 2018).
- Atcherson*, Samuel R.*, Holmes, L.R. National Rehabilitation Association Annual Training Conference, “Body Language Communication in Rehabilitation: A Worthwhile Skill?,” Oklahoma City, OK, United States. (October 12, 2018).
- Gentry, Betholyn*., Wiley, P. (Co-presenter), American Speech Language and Hearing Association, “Welcome to the UPS Store: How May I Help You?,” Boston, MA, United States. (November 2018).
- Kintz, Stephen*, Kim, H., Wright, H. H., ASHA Convention, “Core Lexicon in Different Elicitation Techniques,” ASHA, Boston, MA. (November 2018).
- Moser, Dana*, The Arkansas Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ArkSHA) Annual Conference, “Aphasia Book Club: Exploring the Impact of Group Participation,” ArkSHA, Little Rock, AR, United States. (October 12, 2018).
- Magimairaj, B. M., Nagaraj, Naveen K.*, Gray, J., American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Conference, “Perceptual restoration in children as a function of interruption rate, syllabic length and lexical-neighborhood density,” ASHA, Boston. (November 2018). [Student lead]
- Magimairaj, B. M., Nagaraj, Naveen K.*, 176th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and 2018 Acoustics Week in Canada,, “Perceptual restoration of interrupted speech in typically-developing school-age children: Effect of interruption rate,” Acoustical Society of America, Victoria, Canada. (November 2018).
- Nagaraj, Naveen K.*, Magimairaj, B. M., 176th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America and 2018 Acoustics Week in Canada, “Children’s susceptibility to irrelevant speech on a selective attention task: What role does working memory play?,” Acoustical Society of America, Victoria, Canada. (November 2018).
- Robinson, Gregory*, “What to do When Your Client Comes Out: Real Advice for LGBTQ+ Affirming Care,” American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA, United States. (November 2018).
- Smiley, D., Soman, U, and Nevins, Mary Ellen*, Considering profiles of potential to plan and implement listening and spoken language intervention. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA, (November 2018).
- Robinson, Gregory*, Arkansas Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, “Transgender Voice and Communication Therapy,” ArkSHA, Four Seasons, Little Rock. (October 11, 2018).
- Wheeler, Marcia*. An update on pharmacology. Arkansas Dental Hygienists’ Association Annual Session. Little Rock, AR.
- Williams, Edward*, The PA Profession: Then and Now. UAMS LEGOS Series, UAMS, Little Rock, AR
- Vincenzo, Jennifer L*., Gell, N., Nithman, R.M., & Patton, S.K. (Symposium). Considerations of the STEADI falls prevention toolkit: adherence, telehealth, and nursing education. Gerontological Society of America yearly conference. Oct 2018
- Ramey K, Sipe C, Plisky P, Taylor J. David*. Validity and reliability of the Lower Quarter Y Balance Test in older adults. Poster presentation at American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Conference 2018 in Dallas, TX. Sept 2018
- Walter Christopher S*., Hengge CR, Lindauer BE, Schaefer SY. Declines in motor transfer following upper extremity task-specific training in older adults. Presented as a ‘Late Breaking Poster’ at the Gerontological Society of America’s 2018 Annual Scientific Meeting in Boston, MA. (October 2018).
- Muir, Sherry*. (2018, September 28 & 29). Occupational Therapy in Primary Care. For the Oklahoma State Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference in Tulsa, OK. (2 presentations)
- Cherika Robertson*, Letycia Núñez Argote, & Amber Teigen. Building Interprofessional Experiences for In-Person and Online Learners: The STRICE Simulation. Presented at the Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions Conference. St. Petersburg, Florida. (October 2018).
- Nathan Johnson*, Kim Sanford, Warren Conrow, & Fred Rodriguez. Dealing with Disasters: Are You an Ostrich or an Owl. American Society for Clinical Pathology, Baltimore, Md. (October 2018).
- Catherine Smith*. Cytotechnology Recruitment and Program Marketing. Invited presentation at the 2018 Annual Scientific Conference, American Society of Cytopathology, Washington, D.C. November 2018. Lead oral presentation, Strategies in Cytotechnology Education. (November 2018).
Non-Peer-Reviewed Poster Presentations
- Tucker, C.* & Clemmons, K. Evidenced-based Teaching, Educator’s Academy, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, September 2018, Little Rock, AR.
- Tucker, C.* & Johnson, N. Communication in the Classroom and Clinic, Educator’s Academy, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, October 2018, Little Rock, AR.
Grants Submitted and Funded
- Reza Hakkak*: Prevention of adolescent obesity-associated liver steatosis via metformin-induced alteration in the gut microbiota. Arkansas Children’s Research Institute and Arkansas Bioscience Institute, $75,000.00 (1/2/2019-12/30/2020).
- Christi Arthur*: UAMS Nutrition Consultant, STAR HealthyNow, $15,000 (8/1/2018-7/30/2019).
- Dana Moser*, Jessica Swatzel*: Effects of Applying Brain Stimulation During Language Intervention. University of Arkansas Little Rock, $1000 (12/1/18-4/30/19).
- Donna Kelly*; Tamara Martin*: An investigation of interdisciplinary assessment measures of acute and persistent mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) in adults. University of Arkansas at Little Rock, $1,000 (9/18-5/19).
- Stephen Kintz*; Dana Moser*; and Donna Kelly*: Effects of mTBI on Cognition and Language in Adults. University of Arkansas at Little Rock, $5,000 (7/1/18-6/30/3019).
- Naveen Nagaraj*, Amyn Amlani*, Gopee Krishnan, Kishan M: Use of Imaging to Validate Increased Neural Connectivity Following Hearing Aid Use and Brain Training In Older Adults with Hearing Loss. 2018 CHP Dean’s Society, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, $5,000.
- Claire Tucker*: Periodontal Dental Services for UAMS 12th Street Health and Wellness Center Patients. Delta Dental, $30,000 (August 2018).
- Claire Tucker*: An Interprofessional Fluoride Varnish and Silver Diamine Fluoride Program. CHP Dean’s Society Grant, $2,965.19 (July 2018).
- Susan Long*, UAMS 12th Street Health and Wellness Center – Dental Initiatives. Delta Dental of Arkansas Foundation Grant. $30,000.
- Holland Angel*, Huitt, T.* A Longitudinal Study of Student Stress in Physical Therapy and Physician Assistant Students. $3675 award from UAMS College of Health Professions Dean’s Society.
- Jefferson John*. (PI) Expansion and dissemination of the Walk With Ease (WWE) group-led and self-led interventions for adults with arthritis in Arkansas. Funded by the Arkansas Dept. of Health. $9,216 to $11,441 per year for five years (amount funded depends on the number of individuals trained to deliver the program each year). (July 2018).
- Walter, Christopher S*. Visuospatial abilities and success in a physical therapy program: Is there a relationship? College of Health Professions Dean’s Society Grant. UAMS. $3,121.
- Walter, Christopher S*. Arkansas Geriatric Education Collaborative (AGEC) Geriatric Faculty Development Award. $40,000. (July 2018)
- Lindsay Gilbert*, Jason Key*, Nathan Johnson*, Cherika Robertson*, Catherine Smith* & Amber Teigen. Providing Quality Laboratory Results at Community Health Fairs. Dean’s Society Service Learning Project Grant. College of Health Professions, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. Little Rock, AR. $5,000. (August 2018).
Grants Not Funded to Be Resubmitted
- Reza Hakkak*: Obesity, gut microbiota and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Protection in Adolescents and Adults by Soy Protein Diet. USDA, $498,581.00. Will be resubmitted by June 2019.
- Reza Hakkak* (sub-award): Screening of Natural Food Compounds for Chymase Inhibitory Indications: Selectivity of the Functional Potentiality Food Components for Depressor Effect. USDA, $499,872.80. will be resubmitted by May 2019.
- Dana Moser*, Stephen Kintz, & Donna Kelly: Investigation of Cognitive and language Assessment and Intervention for Persisting Deficits Associate with Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries (mTBI). University of Arkansas at Little Rock, $12,000.
- Naveen Nagaraj*: Individual differences in working memory and speech understanding in complex listening conditions. 2018 New Investigator Research Grant American Speech Language and Hearing Association, $10,000.
- Naveen Nagaraj*, Natalie Benafield: Training lexical retrieval and spatial listening ability in school-age children with functional auditory-language processing limitations: “A pilot study”
- Williams, Edward*; Huitt, Tiffany* (2018). PA Preceptor Education Program. Blue & You Foundation $89,000 (will resubmit June 2019)
- Holland Angel*, Hester M, Scott A, Butler A, Driver A, Goss J Exploring the Human Experience: UAMS Medical Humanities Project $5240 from Arkansas Humanities Council (currently in review for other funding).
- Hudson, J & Walter, Christopher S*. North Street Clinic Free and Charitable Physical Therapy Service. Blue and You Foundation. $35,000.
- Vincenzo, Jennifer L*. The effects of high velocity TRX training and protein supplementation on function and fall risk in older adults. Pilot project – University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Reynolds Center Grant – PI – $40,000 (accepted but main grant not received by UAMS).
- Nathan Johnson*, Cherika Robertson*, Lindsay Gilbert*, & Jason Key*. Promoting Excellence in Arkansas’s Rural Labs (P.E.A.R.L.). Blue and You Foundation $112,500.
Books and Book Chapters
- Nevins, Mary Ellen* & Chute, P.M*. (2018). Listening, language and literacy for children with auditory devices: From hearing aids to cochlear implants in Language Development: Foundations, Processes, and Clinical Applications. Third, Capone & Shulman (Eds.) Jones & Barlett Learning: Burlington, MA.
- Boult, J.R. and Robinson, Gregory* (In Press) Language Difference; In. Damico,J.S., & Ball, M.J.(Eds). The SAGE Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders.
- Muir, Sherry*. Occupational Therapy in Primary Care. In Matuska, K. (Ed.) Ways of Living Intervention Strategies to Enable Participation (4th ed). AOTA Press, Inc.
Workshops, Keynotes and Plenary Speeches
- Reza Hakkak*: Can your Gut Microbiota be blamed for Disease Development? Monthly Nutrition Seminar Series, Department of Dietetics and Nutrition, UAMS, November 8, 2018. (Local Research)
- Reza Hakkak*. Obesity-associated Chronic Diseases Development: The Role of Gut Microbiota. Keynote Speaker & Moderator at the 3rd International Conference on Obesity and Chronic Diseases, Los Angeles, July 23-25, 2018. Keynote Speaker (International)
- Christi Arthur*. Wound Healing: Nutrition and Nature Working Together. Nutrition Seminar/Department of Dietetics and Nutrition, UAMS, December 12, 2018. Local
- Josh Phelps*. LEGOS: Taking Care of Yourself for Busy Professionals: Healthy Eating, UAMS: August 29 and October 30, 2018
- Nevins, Mary Ellen*. Effective Communication Skills for Interprofessional Conversations: What’s in YOUR Toolkit? Opening Keynote Speaker, Clarke Schools for Hearing and Speech Annual Mainstream Conference, Marlborough, MA October, 2018.
- Heather Trudeau*. General session speaker at the 2018 Arkansas Association of Physician Assistants Annual Meeting. “Avoiding Booby Traps: Providing Better Care for Breastfeeding Patients”. Little Rock, AR. October 2018 Local (Education)
- Laurence J. Howe* and Jones JK, Oral Reconstruction of the Head and Neck Cancer Patient. UAMS Otolaryngology Grand Rounds. (July 17, 2018)
- Holland, Angel* & Jefferson John*. Addressing student wellness through the implementation of learning communities. APTA Education Leadership Conference. October 2018.
- Holland, Angel*. Keynote Speaker. Bridging the generational gap: connecting faculty and graduate healthcare students. Faculty workshop: New York Medical College. Valhalla, NY. October 2018.
- Holland, Angel*. Keynote Speaker. Today’s students. UAMS Physician’s Assistant Preceptor Conference. Morrilton, AR. (August 2018.).
- Vincenzo, Jennifer L*. Invited Speaker – American Physical Therapy Association Academy of Geriatric Physical Therapy State Advocate Meeting. (September 2018)
- Vincenzo, Jennifer L*. Engaging Local and State Stakeholders in National Fall Prevention Awareness Day, September, 2018 (National)
- Vincenzo, Jennifer L*. Invited Speaker – Fall Prevention – Educating the community educators – Centers on Aging in Arkansas, September, 2018.
- Vincenzo, Jennifer L*. Invited Speaker – Annual Geriatrics and Long Term Care Conference, UAMS. Novel Treatments for Balance among Older Adults. September 2018
- Nathan Johnson*. Change Management and Transformational Leadership. Just Say Know Leadership Conference, USCAP/ASCP. Palm Springs Ca. (December 2018).
Blog Posts and Commentaries
- Christi Arthur*. Savvy Magazine (SAVVYKIDSAR.COM); Body Image, the Face of Obesity and Anorexia, SAVVY; September, 2018.
- Nathan Johnson*. Medical Laboratory Science – A Career Option for MLT Students. Invited speaker, Wilford Hall Medical Center, San Antonio, TX. (2018).
- Samuel Atcherson*, 2018 Excellence in Scholarship Award, College of Health Professions, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, September 28, 2018.
- Greg Robinson*, The Frank Kleffner Award for Clinical Service. Presented at the AR Speech and Hearing Association Annual Conference, Little Rock, AR, November, 2018
- Alise Murray†, ASAHP Scholarship. (July 2019).
- Lindsay Gilbert*. Key to the Future Award. The American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science. (July 2018).
- Cherika Robertson*. Key to the Future Award. The American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science. (July 2018).
- Lindsay Gilbert*. Excellence in Teaching Award, College of Health Professions, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. (September 2018).
- Cherika Robertson*. Excellence in Service Award, College of Health Professions, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. (September 2018).
Other Honors or Recognition
- Reza Hakkak*: Guest Editor for Biomedicines; Special issue “Influence of Diet and Obesity on Prevention or Promotion of Diseases.” October 2018-July 2019.
- Niki Carter*: Appointed Chair of International Student Exchange for the International College of Dentists. Regent of 12th District.
- Jennifer L. Vincenzo*: Appointed to the Governor’s Advisory Council on Aging (Arkansas) for a three-year term.
- Jennifer L. Vincenzo*: Appointed to the Advisory Board for the Emergency Medical Technician and Paramedic Programs, Northwest Arkansas Community College.
- Catherine Smith*: Accepted into the Teaching Scholars Program. Office of Educational Development, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. (September 2018).
- Cherika Robertson*: Accepted into the Teaching Scholars Program. Office of Educational Development, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. (September 2018).
- Catherine Smith*: Appointed to the American Society for Clinical Pathology Cytopathology Committee. (November 2018).
- Cherika Robertson*: Appointed to the Academic Senate as College of Health Professions Representative. University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. (December 2018).
- Catherine Smith*: Journal of Cytology and Tissue Biology. Editorial Board Member. (2018).
- Catherine Smith*. Journal of Allied Health. Editorial Review Member. (2018).