The Department of Dental Hygiene offers online as well as on-site continuing education for dental professionals including dental hygienists, dentists, and dental assistants. Online continuing education includes the administration and monitoring of nitrous oxide, while the on-site continuing education courses include student poster presentations and local anesthesia for dental hygienists.
If you have questions about any of the courses listed here, please contact Emory Thompson at 501-686-5733.
Online Courses
Administration and Monitoring of Nitrous Oxide for Dental Assistants and Hygienists
This course will address the utilization of nitrous oxide and oxygen therapy for psychosedation as well as provide a review of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems and preoperative and postoperative medications.
This course complies with the Rules and Regulations of the Arkansas State Board of Dental Examiners for the administration & monitoring of nitrous oxide.
The course is entirely online and accessible at all times. You are limited to two attempts to pass this exam with an 80% and earn a completion certificate. We are unable to reset or “erase” any of your attempts to allow for a third try. Please take the exam only after thoroughly reviewing the content and completing the practice questions and practice exam.
Attendees will be eligible to receive six continuing education units.
The cost of this course is $150.
To register for the course, please call Emory Thompson at 501-686-5733. Once the participant has paid the registration fee, they will receive a customized invitation link to set up their student account on the learning platform, Reach 360.
On-Site Courses
UAMS Dental Hygiene Student Professional Presentations
At this event, senior students in the UAMS Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene Program will present educational presentations on a variety of dental topics. All attendees will be eligible to receive two continuing education units. The event will be held on the main UAMS campus in Little Rock, Arkansas, on Thursday, April 24, 2025, from 6 to 8 p.m. in the I. Dodd Wilson Building, Room 126.
This event is of no charge, open to the public and registration is not required.
Local Anesthesia for Dental Hygienists
This comprehensive course covers the basic concepts of local anesthesia including anatomy, pharmacology, medical history review and emergency management. The laboratory emphasizes the practice of safe techniques for effective administration. This course complies with the rules and regulations of the Arkansas State Board of Dental Examiners for the application for a dental hygiene local anesthesia permit. Attendees will be eligible to receive 32 continuing education units after passing this course.
The course runs from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each day on June 5, June 6, June 12 and June 13, 2025. Students must attend all four days. This course will be held on the main UAMS campus in Little Rock, Arkansas, and at the UAMS Dental Hygiene Student Clinic located in the Freeway Medical Tower, Suite 501, in Little Rock.
The cost of this course is $1,200, which includes study guides and lab materials. Registration starts on April 1, 2025. Online modules will open up on May 1, 2025. You must complete the modules by June 5, 2024.
There is a required textbook for this course. The textbook should be purchased prior to the course and can be found at any textbook retailer, such as through Amazon.
The required textbook is Local Anesthesia for the Dental Hygienist Third Edition by Demetra Logothetis, published by Elsevier in 2022, ISBN Number 978-0-323-71856-1.
To register for the course, please call Emory Thompson at 501-686-5733. Once the participant has paid the registration fee, they will receive a customized invitation link to set up their student account on the learning platform, Reach 360.