The maximum course load for fall and spring semesters is twenty (20) semester credits and for summer semester is sixteen (16) semester credits. To take a course load exceeding the maximum, approval by the department chair or program director is required. Students may enroll in classes on other campuses as part of their normal course load, but such concurrent enrollment must be approved by the student’s CHP department chair or program director prior to registration.
Policy exception – In cases where a program’s approved curriculum exceeds the 20 semester credit maximum, no special approval by the department chair/program director is required.
Students receiving financial assistance through student loans, grants, scholarships, or Department of Veterans Affairs benefits are required to maintain specified course loads to continue eligibility for receiving funds. It is the student’s responsibility to know the course load requirements that may apply for the assistance they are receiving.
Information about the original approval of this policy is not available.
Revision Dates
- July 11, 2019
- Dec. 14, 2023
Review Dates
Dec. 15, 2020