When a student audits a course, they must register, pay the associated tuition and fees, and be admitted to class on a space available basis and at the discretion of the course instructor. Once enrolled, the course instructor will inform the student of the requirements for participating in the course. If the student is not satisfying the requirements specified by the instructor, the instructor or Associate Dean for Academic Affairs may drop a student from the course. The student will be notified if this action is taken.
Neither grade points nor credits are assigned at the completion of an audited course and audited courses do not count toward completion of degree requirements. A mark of “AU” will be assigned and appear on the student’s transcript to denote successful completion of the course.
Changing from audit to credit status or vice versa is at the discretion of the program and must be approved by the department chair or program director. The last day to change from audit to credit status is five business days after the start date of the course. The last day to change from credit to audit status is the mid-point of the course. Changing status may impact the student’s eligibility to receive financial aid or the amount of financial aid awarded. Students will be responsible for the return of any financial aid due that results from a change in status.
Information about the original approval of this policy is not available.
Revision Dates
Dec. 14, 2023
Review Dates
Dec. 15, 2020