Students have until the close of the registration period to add or drop courses for the subsequent semester.
If a student wishes to add or drop a course after the registration period has ended, they must submit a request on an “Add/Drop/Withdrawal” form available from the Office of the University Registrar’s website. The form must contain signatures from the student, program director and CHP associate dean to process the request.
If approved by the program director, a student may add a course within five business days after the start date of the course. After the fifth business day, student may no longer add courses to their schedule.
A student may request to drop a course up until the last five business days of the course. When a student drops a course within the first five days of the course’s start date, no notation will appear on the transcript regarding the deletion of the course. When a student drops a course after the fifth day and up until the mid-point date of the course, a mark of “W” will appear on the transcript. When a student drops a course after the midpoint date of the course and up until five business days before the end of the course, a mark of “WP” (withdraw passing) or “WF” (withdraw failing) will appear on the transcript. The midpoint date and last day to drop a course is published on the CHP academic calendar each semester. A mark of “WF” is averaged into the GPA as a grade of “F.” A grade of “WP” is not averaged into the GPA.
Refund of tuition and fees for courses that are dropped are based on the schedule established in UAMS Academic Affairs Policy 3.1.5, Tuition and Fee Refunds for Students Withdrawing from UAMS.
Information about the original approval of this policy is not available.
Revision Dates
Nov. 8, 2017
Review Dates
April 11, 2024