For a student to progress in a College of Health Professions program, they must achieve a grade of C or higher in all courses designated by their program as prerequisite for progression each semester. In addition, students are required to maintain a program grade point average (PGPA) of at least 2.0 with the following stipulations:
- A first semester student who meets the specific course grade(s) and other program requirements but has not achieved a PGPA of 2.0 for all courses taken in the first semester of enrollment, will be allowed to progress on academic probation to the second semester. Since a student cannot be on probation for two consecutive semesters, a student on probation because of insufficient PGPA at the end of the first semester must raise their PGPA to at least 2.0 by the end of the next semester in order to remain in the program. Students failing to do so will be dismissed from the program.
- For a student who is in the second or subsequent semester of a program to continue to progress, they must maintain a PGPA of at least 2.0 for all courses taken since entering the program, including both professional and concurrent courses. These students, therefore, are not eligible for academic probation if their PGPA falls below 2.0. Students who fail to meet this requirement will be dismissed from the college.
Programs reserve the right to impose more stringent requirements than those outlined by the college. Students who fail to meet program regulations pertaining to academic standing will be placed on academic probation or dismissed and are subject to the policies regarding progression within their respective programs to regain or retain student status.
Information about the original approval of this policy is not available.
Revision Dates
April 7, 2017
Review Dates
April 11, 2024