Background and Rationale
Students admitted to College of Health Professions programs must complete degree requirements in a timely manner to assure that they are competent according to contemporary standards of scientific knowledge and clinical practice. The purpose of this policy is to establish time limits for degree plans and procedures for extending time limits in extenuating circumstances.
This policy applies to students enrolled in any full-time and part-time degree program offered by the College of Health Professions.
Degree Time Limit
Students admitted to College of Health Professions degree programs must complete the program within two years beyond the published time to degree for the programs. Some programs may impose shorter degree time limits (refer to the Degree Time Limits table in the College of Health Professions section of the UAMS Academic Catalog for program-specific time limits). The time limit includes time spent on an approved leave of absence, on suspension imposed by the faculty, or time not actively enrolled in courses.
Time Limit Extension
Students may apply for one one-year extension of the degree time limit in extenuating circumstances by submitting a Degree Time Limit Extension Form to the director of the student’s degree program. The director will review the request and submit a recommendation to the associate dean for academic affairs who will decide whether to grant the extension and, if an extension is granted, whether conditions may apply. The associate dean for academic affairs will notify the student and the program director of the decision. A time limit extension expires one year from the date of the original time limit. No additional extensions will be granted.
Notification and Failure to Complete Degree Requirements
Students approaching the degree time limit will be notified by the Dean’s Office at least one year in advance of the limit that they must complete the degree by the date of the time limit expiration. A copy of the notification will be sent to the program director.
Students who do not complete program requirements within the time limit or are not granted an extension will be administratively withdrawn from the program. They may reapply for admission to the program and, if readmitted, will adhere to the current degree plan and time limit that applies to the plan.
This policy was approved by the College of Health Professions Executive Committee on Sept. 22, 2016.
Effective Date
This policy took effect on May 1, 2017.
Revision Dates
Feb. 11, 2021
Review Dates
April 11, 2024