Background and Rationale
Faculty practice activity encompasses direct services to individuals and groups, as well as technical assistance and consultation to individuals, families, groups, and communities. In addition to the provision of service, the practice provides opportunities for promotion, tenure, merit, and revenue generation. A distinguishing characteristic of faculty practice within the College of Health Professions is the belief that practice is closely integrated to achieving excellence in the other College of Health Professions mission areas of teaching and scholarship.
Sources of funds for the College of Health Professions Faculty Practice Plan shall include salary funds offset by faculty practice. Practice sites and salaries are negotiated among the faculty member, prospective site, dean, and associate dean for administration. Fees collected from faculty practice will be assigned directly to the CHP through Workday Cost Allocation or invoice payment (external funding).
Participation in the Faculty Practice Plan must not alter the faculty member’s teaching load or other regular responsibilities such as committee work, attendance at meetings, and other activities associated with the faculty role. Reallocation of one’s faculty workload to accommodate faculty practice disqualifies a faculty member from eligibility to participate in a faculty practice plan resulting in extra compensation.
UAMS will provide malpractice insurance for faculty members who participate in clinical practice. If the faculty member enters into a practice agreement external to UAMS, it is the responsibility of the faculty member to secure malpractice insurance from the contracting entity. Under no circumstances should the faculty member practice without current and valid malpractice insurance.
A. Incentive Plan
- When the full-time faculty member with a full-time workload generates income of at least 10% of their base salary for one-half day of practice during the work week or 20% for one-day, the faculty member may be eligible for salary supplementation. Salary supplementation is based on additional income brought in by the individual over and above the initial terms of appointment.
- The College of Health Professions will use half of the additional salary income generated to enhance the participating faculty member’s salary, up to a maximum of 10% base salary offset.
- Disbursements are paid quarterly (months 3, 6, 9, and 12), included with one’s paycheck, and taxable.
B. Inventive Plan Participation Guidelines
The College of Health Professions may revise these guidelines at any time depending on budget changes such as reductions/cuts, elimination/freezing of positions, or other budgetary considerations deemed necessary by the CHP’s administration. The Administration will seek input on revisions from the Executive Committee prior to making administrative decisions. Department chairs and program directors, in consultation with the dean, may request discontinuation of a faculty member’s participation in a faculty practice plan if involvement is negatively impacting the ability of the department or program to achieve their mission.
- Participation in the Faculty Practice Plan must not alter the faculty member’s workload to include teaching load, scholarship expectations committee and service work, attendance at meetings, and other activities associated with the faculty role. Reallocation of one’s faculty workload to accommodate faculty practice disqualifies a faculty member from eligibility to participate in a faculty practice plan resulting in extra compensation.
- Faculty Practice payments will end when the faculty member stops generating the agreed upon revenue when entering the Faculty Practice Plan.
- Policies regarding grant submission, securing practice contracts, and participation in other income-generating activities are subject to college, campus, and University of Arkansas policies as well as state and federal law.
- Incentives earned during a fiscal year will be distributed within the year and may not be carried over into the following year.
- University of Arkansas Board Policy 450.1 guides outside employment of faculty for compensation and external consultation.
This policy was approved by the College of Health Professions Executive Committee on Feb. 15 2024.