What is a medical laboratory scientist?
Medical laboratory scientists are highly educated laboratory scientists who perform tests on blood, body fluids and tissues which aid the physician in the diagnosis, management and treatment of disease. Medical laboratory scientists interpret data, analyze results, develop and evaluate new test procedures, manage information and communicate with other members of the health care team. Approximately 85% of medical decisions are based upon the test results generated by the clinical laboratory.
Are there jobs available for medical laboratory scientists?
There is a nationwide shortage of medical laboratory scientists, so many jobs are available in this field. Most of our students have multiple job offers before they graduate.
What kind of salaries can graduates from the On-Campus Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences Program earn?
In the Little Rock area, recent graduates of the On-Campus Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences Program are currently earning from $48,000 to $52,000 per year. Higher salaries are available for working evening shifts, night shifts or weekends. Salaries do vary depending on the geographic location. Experienced supervisor and laboratory manager positions average from $60,000 to $90,000 and over.
What is the scope of testing I will learn about in the On-Campus Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences Program?
The On-Campus Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences Program focuses on the major areas of clinical laboratory testing which include the following:
- Clinical chemistry (testing and measurement of chemical analytes)
- Hematology (examination and enumeration of blood cells)
- Urinalysis (detection of chemical components and elements in urine)
- Microbiology (culture, staining and biochemical identification of microorganisms)
- Immunohematology (typing and crossmatching of patient and donor blood)
- Immunology (detection of antibodies and unique proteins)
- Newer areas of testing including flow cytometry and molecular diagnostics
Are medical laboratory scientists limited to working in a hospital laboratory setting?
Medical laboratory scientists can work in a variety of settings due to their comprehensive coursework, extensive training and problem-solving skills. Career options include the following:
- Hospitals
- Clinics
- Public health, research and private laboratories
- Companies manufacturing laboratory analysis systems, supplies, equipment or media
- State or national crime labs
- Physician office laboratories
- Fertility laboratories
- Biotechnology, food and cosmetic industries
A Bachelor of Science in medical laboratory sciences also provides a strong foundation for pursuing advanced degrees in medicine, dentistry, law, pharmacy or other fields.
Do medical laboratory scientists take a state or national licensing examination?
Arkansas clinical laboratory personnel are currently not required to be state or nationally licensed. However, most hospitals do require employees to be certified by passing a nationally administered exam.
Where can I find out more about medical laboratory science as a career?
More information about careers in medical laboratory sciences is available at the following sites:
What if I have a question about the profession of medical laboratory science?
For questions about the field of medical laboratory sciences, contact the Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences Program and we will gladly answer your questions and send you the requested information.
How many students are in each class of the On-Campus Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences Program?
Thirty students can be accepted each year into the On-Campus Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences Program.
Can out-of-state students apply and be accepted to the On-Campus Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences Program?
Out-of-state students can apply and be accepted to the On-Campus Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences Program.
Can I work while completing the On-Campus Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences Program?
We recommend that students not work if at all possible while in the On-Campus Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences Program. If students must work, limit the number of hours worked per week to not more than eight to 10 hours.
What hours will be in attendance at school while enrolled in the On-Campus Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences Program?
We advise students that the schedule for the On-Campus Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences Program may be from 8 to 4 p.m. Monday through Thursday. We also schedule an occasional Friday.
What is the deadline for admission applications to the On-Campus Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences Program?
Please see the How to Apply page for application deadlines for the On-Campus Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences Program.
When do classes begin in the On-Campus Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences Program?
Students are admitted to the On-Campus Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences Program once a year for the fall semester. Classes begin in August.
Is it hard to get accepted into the On-Campus Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences Program?
Admission to the On-Campus Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences Program is competitive with the advantage going to those students with higher grade-point averages.
Should I send a college transcript for all college coursework when applying to the On-Campus Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences Program?
Official transcripts are required from all previously attended institutions when applying to the On-Campus Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences Program.
Is financial aid available for students in the On-Campus Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences Program?
Financial aid is available for those who qualify. Interested individuals may contact the UAMS Financial Aid Office at 501-686-5451 for information concerning available grants, loans and scholarships.
Do I have to have every prerequisite course completed before I can apply for admission to the On-Campus Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences Program?
Please visit the Admissions Requirements page to review the coursework requirements for the On-Campus Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences Program.
What courses are recommended as electives in the On-Campus Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences Program?
To find out recommended electives, please consult the On-Campus Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences Program at 501-686-5776.
If I am past the traditional college age, am I too old to enter laboratory medicine?
There is no age requirement for this profession. Students in the On-Campus Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences Program just have to be able to meet the program’s Technical Standards.
At my internship site, will I just be another working tech or will I be in a learning environment?
Students in the On-Campus Bachelor of Science in Medical Laboratory Sciences Program will not be substituted for routine laboratory testing personnel during clinical practicum courses. No clinical education sites should be dependent upon students to complete daily workloads. Students should not be assigned clinical education activities outside regular weekday shifts unless that is the only time the work is performed by the affiliate personnel. Work at times other than that listed on the clinical rotation schedule is non-compulsory.