Prerequisite Courses

The information below applies to the Fall 2025 admission cycle.

The following 801 semester credits are required for admission to the program.  All required courses must be completed from a regionally accredited post-secondary academic institution, and must fulfill all College requirements regarding acceptance of transfer credit. If in doubt of the suitability of the following prerequisite courses, please contact the CHP Office of Admissions.

Area/Typical Course TitleMinimum Semester Credit
English Composition
Two-semester sequence of English Composition6
Speech Communication2
Fundamentals of Speech or Speech Communication3
College Algebra or higher level Mathematics3
Two-semester sequence of Anatomy and Physiology with laboratory38
Biological Sciences or Microbiology with laboratory44
General Chemistry I with laboratory54
General Physics I with laboratory64
Fine Arts
Art, Music, or Theater3
Philosophy, Literature, History, Political Science or Humanities3
History of the United States or National Government3
Social Sciences
Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, Geography, or Economics6

1Up to 3 SC of course work indicated may be taken as co-requisites during the fall semester only, and will be at the program’s discretion.  No math or science courses may be taken as co-requisites.  Those applicants who have completed 80 SC or more of the prerequisite curriculum prior to enrollment will have priority in admission decisions.

2Due to rules set forth by the Joint Review Committee on Educational Programs in Nuclear Medicine Technology (JRCNMT), Speech Communication is a required prerequisite and cannot be substituted by an additional Fine Arts/Humanities course.

3Course work must cover all body systems and include laboratory credit.

4Biology courses taken as prerequisites to the human anatomy and physiology courses will satisfy this requirement.

5Course work must include laboratory credit.  Chemistry courses designed specifically for nursing and other allied health technology students may meet this requirement; however, overview or preparatory chemistry courses will not.

6Course work must be algebra-based, at a minimum, and include a laboratory section for credit.  Physics courses completed in an accredited radiography programs may be considered on a case by case basis as a substitute.  Must have at least 4 semester credit hour equivalent of radiography physics to be considered.

Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) credits are only accepted for the general education requirements and cannot be used to satisfy the math and science requirements.

Fulfillment of the pre-professional curriculum does not assure admittance into the professional program (please see How to Apply).

Students enrolled in Bachelor’s degree programs must fulfill state minimum core requirements for graduation in addition to prerequisite and program requirements. In general, the 35 SC state core curriculum is listed in the UAMS Catalog under the heading, “State Core Curriculum”.  Programs may have specific course requirements for these core requirements.  Please check the program curriculum for specific courses.  Some of the courses required as part of the core curriculum may also fulfill the prerequisite course requirement.