About the Department
The College of Health Professions Department of Imaging and Radiation Sciences offers a variety of programs for those interested in pursuing a career in diagnostic imaging. Each program is guided by experienced educators and practitioners, engages students in a stimulating learning environment, and provides exceptional clinical experiences serving diverse patient populations.
Degree Programs
The Department of Imaging and Radiation Sciences offers Bachelor of Science programs in diagnostic medical sonography, nuclear medicine imaging sciences and radiologic imaging sciences.
See the ProgramsContact Information
Primary Contacts
Deziree L. Arnett, M.Ed., RT(R)(CI)(VI)(ARRT)
Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Imaging Sciences Program Director
Email: DArnett@UAMS.edu
Summer Khairi, MBA, CNMT, NMTCB(CT)
Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Medicine Imaging Sciences Program Director
Email: SAKhairi@UAMS.edu
Layla Simmons, M.Ed., RDCS, RDMS
Bachelor of Science in Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program Director
Email: LQSimmons@UAMS.edu
Tammy Brooks
Executive Assistant I
Email: BrooksTammyL@UAMS.edu