Overview of this 100% Online Program with In-State Tuition
The 100% online Master of Science in Clinical Nutrition Program at UAMS focuses on prevention and treatment of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer through the promotion of a healthy diet and lifestyle. The program has a strong research component that actively engages students in a variety of research projects. All students in this program receive in-state tuition prices.
Mission of the Program
The mission of the program is to provide education, research and service by:
- Educating advanced-level practitioners in clinical nutrition and dietetics as educators, researchers and clinical specialists;
- Providing initial and continuing education opportunities in clinical nutrition and dietetics for health care professionals;
- Developing and applying new knowledge and techniques in clinical nutrition and dietetics;
- Advancing nutritional care and health status, especially for Arkansans.
Vision of the Program
The Master of Science in Clinical Nutrition Program prepares students to do the following:
- Construct nutrition-related research
- Communicate nutrition-related research and practice
- Describe connections between nutrition and health
- Apply nutrition knowledge toward the evaluation and treatment of nutrition-related health outcomes
The Master of Science in Clinical Nutrition Program prepares registered dietitians to practice as advanced-level practitioners. Other health professionals may participate in this program to enable them to practice as nutrition specialists within their professional arenas. Graduates of science programs may also use the program to develop research skills in nutrition.
Strategy of the Program
The Master of Science in Clinical Nutrition Program achieves its mission by doing the following:
- Educating advanced-level practitioners in clinical nutrition and dietetics as educators, researchers and clinical specialists;
- Providing initial and continuing education opportunities in clinical nutrition and dietetics for health care professionals;
- Developing and applying new knowledge and techniques in clinical nutrition and dietetics;
- Advancing nutritional care and health status, especially for Arkansans.
Goals of the Program
The goals of the Master of Science Degree in the Clinical Nutrition Program are as follows:
- Develop science-based nutrition knowledge
- Develop evidence-based practices in nutrition
- Develop nutrition-research skills and practices
- Develop communication skills in the area of nutrition-related practice and research
Features of the Program
The UAMS Department of Dietetics and Nutrition offers graduate work leading to a Master of Science in clinical nutrition through the UAMS Graduate School.
The program offers multiple program tracks, including a fast track program.
Since this program is 100% online, all students pay in-state tuition prices.
Our 100% online Master of Science in Clinical Nutrition Program is designed to prepare registered dietitians and registered dietitian nutritionists to practice as advanced-level practitioners. Other health professionals may also participate in the traditional program track to enable them to practice as nutrition specialists within their professional arenas. Students participate in practical experiences to enhance their specialized skills to ensure they are well prepared to advance in their careers. Graduates of science programs may also use the program to develop research skills in nutrition.
As the overall recognition of the importance of nutrition increases in both disease treatment and prevention, highly specialized and advanced-level roles are emerging for dietitians. These advanced-level roles require practice as an entry-level dietitian with professional development of additional knowledge and skills. Graduates of a dietetic internship program can take their career to the next level by obtaining a graduate degree. By 2024, a master’s degree will be required to sit for the Registration Examination for Dietitians. Graduates of the program are employable in academic, research, clinical and community nutrition facilities. Now is a great time to set yourself apart.
Program Tracks
The Master of Science in Clinical Nutrition Program offers two distinct tracks:
Traditional Program Track
The traditional program track provides students with the option to choose between a thesis or non-thesis route. All coursework is delivered 100% online, ensuring minimal disruption to students’ employment.
This track requires the completion of 36 semester credit hours, which includes 18 hours of core courses, 12 to 15 hours of elective courses, and either six hours of thesis credit for the thesis option or three hours of research credit for the non-thesis option.
Students in the traditional program track can enroll full-time or part-time. Full-time students typically complete the program in two years, while part-time students may take up to five years.
Students may transfer up to 12 semester credit hours from the UAMS Master of Science in Dietetics Program and up to six elective semester credit hours from other accredited post-secondary academic institutions.
Each student in the traditional program track will receive a personalized degree plan.
Fast Track Program
The Master of Science in Clinical Nutrition’s fast track program is designated for students who have completed or are concurrently enrolled in a Dietetics program accredited by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics that is housed in a non-academic setting such as a private hospital or within a food service company. Like the traditional program track, all coursework is offered 100% online.
The fast track program is two years long and requires 30 semester credit hours of courses, including 18 hours of core courses and 12 hours of elective courses. The fast track program offers a full-time option only. A specific degree plan will be prepared for each student.
Typical Course Schedule
The Master of Science in Clinical Nutrition Program is offered 100% online. Courses are asynchronous, allowing flexibility in student’s personal schedules.
Degree Awarded
A Master of Science in clinical nutrition is awarded upon successful completion of all academic and practicum requirements for the UAMS Master of Science in Clinical Nutrition Program.
Who May Apply?
Traditional Program Track
The Master of Science in Clinical Nutrition Program’s traditional track is designed for two types of students:
- Registered dietitians and other health care professionals seeking a master’s degree with a focus on science- and research-based practice.
- Individuals with a strong background in biological sciences who wish to pursue advanced coursework in nutrition. Applicants should have prior coursework in nutrition and biological sciences. It is highly recommended that prospective students have completed courses in nutrition, medical nutrition therapy, and nutritional biochemistry.
Fast Track Program
The Master of Science in Clinical Nutrition Program’s fast track is designed for two types of students:
- Students enrolled in a supervised practice program that is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics and that does not include graduate coursework
- Registered dietitians who wish to complete a graduate degree
International Students
The Master of Science in Clinical Nutrition Program is unable to accept applications from international students with F-1 visas into either track of the program at this time.
What is Special Student Status?
A non-degree-seeking student may enroll in a Department of Dietetics and Nutrition course by obtaining permission from the department chair. Up to 12 semester hours may be taken in this status. This category may be used by a health professional who wishes to prepare for a specialty board examination, to meet continuing education requirements, or to decide if he or she wishes to pursue admission to the degree program.
Learn More About the Program
Use the links here to learn more about the UAMS Master of Science in Clinical Nutrition Program.
Admission Requirements
Prerequisites and other requirements for admission to the degree program
How to Apply
Steps to follow when applying to the degree program
Frequently Asked Questions
Discover answers to common inquiries about the degree program
The curriculum for the degree program, broken down by track and semester
Cost of the Program
Estimated costs of the degree program
Program Statistics
Success statistics of students and graduates from the degree program
Goals and Competencies
The goals of the degree program and the competencies expected of its students
Policies for students in the degree program