Prerequisite Courses

The information below applies to the Fall 2024 admission cycle (and Summer 2024 for the Full-Time AS-to-BS Program).

The following 60 credits are required for admission to the traditional track (full-time or part-time) or the AS-to-BS degree advancement program. All listed courses are required from a regionally accredited post-secondary academic institution, and must fulfill all college requirements regarding acceptance of transfer credit. If in doubt of the suitability of the prerequisite courses, please contact the Office of Admissions.

Area/Typical Course TitleMinimum Credits
English Composition
Two-semester sequence of English Composition6
Speech Communication
Fundamentals of Speech or Speech Communication3
College Algebra (or higher level Mathematics)3
Applied Statistics (or equivalent course in research methodology)3
Two-semester sequence of Anatomy and Physiology with laboratories***8
Microbiology with laboratory4
Chemistry with laboratory4
Fine Arts
Music, Art, Theater3
Philosophy, Literature, History, Political Science or Humanities3
History of the United States or National Government3
Other Social Sciences
Anthropology, Economics, Geography, Psychology, or Sociology6
Medical Terminology****1

*Science courses must be suitable for science or health professions majors and include a laboratory.

**Students admitted to the part-time track must complete the Human Anatomy and Physiology course requirements as described above by the date of registration at UAMS. In addition, completion of at least one of the two other science courses is required.

***Anatomy and physiology courses must cover all body systems and include accompanying laboratory sections. For applicants to the RRT-to-BS Degree Advancement program, one 4 credit A&P course w/ lab plus one 4 credit science course w/ lab may be accepted, with approval from the program director.

****A course in Medical Terminology may be waived for AS-to-BS applicants. Candidates should ensure an adequate number of hours in elective credit to meet graduation requirements.

Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) credits are only accepted for the general education requirements and cannot be used to satisfy the math and science requirements.

A final grade of “C” or better is required in each of the above courses. Documentation of successful completion is required by the date of registration for the first semester.

Actual course titles may vary among institutions. Consult the department for preprofessional counseling.

Fulfillment of the preprofessional curriculum does not in itself ensure admission into the professional program.