Program Curriculum

The Doctor of Philosophy in Communication Sciences and Disorders Program requires a minimum of 70 semester credit hours for completion. Included in the degree requirements are the successful completion of the candidacy examination and the dissertation.

Research and Statistics

CourseSemester Credit Hours
Advanced Research Methods3
Research Project (variable credit)6
Statistics Sequence (three courses)9
Total Hours36

Major Area of Study

CourseSemester Credit Hours
Doctoral Seminars in Speech, Language, or Hearing (four courses)12
Total Hours12

Minor Area of Study

CourseSemester Credit Hours
Doctoral Seminars in Speech, Language, or Hearing (two courses)6
Total Hours6

Collateral Area of Study

CourseSemester Credit Hours
Two courses from departments outside of the program6
Total Hours6

Professional Development

CourseSemester Credit Hours
Teaching Pedagogy3
Teaching Internship2
Grant Writing2
Grant Writing Internship1
Supervision Internship2
Total Hours10

Core Requirements Summary

Requirement AreaHours
Research and Statistics36
Major Area of Study12
Minor Area of Study6
Collateral Area of Study6
Professional Development10
Total Program Hours70