CHP Scavenger Hunt Unites Students for Fun


Students (from left) Jennifer Phifer, Maggie Macchiarella, Phil String display textbooks while Alicia Harper takes a photo with her phone.

Teams of College of Health Professions students recently scoured the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS) campus again, racing to collect the most photos in the college’s second Service Learning Scavenger Hunt.


Members of the “The Glowing Bones” team, which won the hunt, get a photo in the UAMS Bookstore.

Six teams competed in the Feb. 21 hunt, armed with a list of nearly 30 tasks, mostly items to collect by photo (with team members visible), within 50 minutes. The teams were challenged to photograph themselves with faculty members, textbooks, UAMS clinical programs mascot Reddie among the list, with different point values for each.


UAMS clinical programs mascot Reddie poses with some College of Health Professions students.

The event is intended for fun — but also for promoting interdisciplinary teamwork across the college’s varied programs. Team members wore placards emblazoned with a mantra that has the words “to” and “for” marked out, followed by, in much larger type, the word “with” to symbolizing the goal of service learning: that one is not doing something “to” or “for” another but working together “with” them to benefit all.The winning team, which included students from Radiologic Imaging Sciences and Nuclear Medicine, consisted of Scott Simmerman, Quinton Sanders, Summer Bird, Kristen Smith, Melissa Dunk, James Schweizerhof and Maria Hernandez.